Materi Elliptical Construction
Elliptical construction adalah bentuk padat dari sebuah kalimat agar tampak efektif. Misalkan dengan menggunakan kata ‘juga’ untuk mengganti predikat kalimat yang direpetisi. Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini
Bentuk padat (elliptical construction-nya) adalah:
Secara teori ada dua bentuk konstruksi elipsis, additional dan contrastive. Additional ellipsis mengunakan konjungsi and sedangkan contrastive ellipsis menggunakan konjungsi but/while/meanwhile
Additional Elliptical Construction
Elliptical construction jenis ini menyederhanakan dua klausa yang berpredikat sama dan dipisahkan dengan konjungsi and
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
- Your cat steals some fish every day
- Your dogs steal some fish every day.
Dua kemungkinan kombinasi
- Your cat steals some fish every day and your dogs steal some fish every day.
Kurang efektif (karena mengulang bagian kalimat yang sama, yaitu “steal some fish every day”)
- Your cat steals some fish every day and your dogs do too
Efektif (memadatkan bagian yang sama, yaitu” steals some fish every day” menjadi “your dogs do too”)
Untuk kalimat positif (positive sentence), perhatikan trik berikut!
Quick tips 1:
Untuk kalimat negatif (negative sentence), perhatikan trik berikut:
Quick tips 2:
- Subject 1 adalah subjek untuk kalimat pertama sedangkan subjek 2 adalah untuk kalimat 2
- Setelah konjungsi AND, ada dua kemungkinan elliptical construction-nya, yaitu So Auxiliary Subject 2 atau Subject 2 Auxiliary Too dan keduanya secara arti (semantik)
- Untuk kalimat negatif, dua kemungkinan elliptical construction yang muncul setelah konjungsi AND adalah Neither Auxiliary (+) Subject 2 atau Subject 2 Auxiliary (N’T) Either
Auxiliary (Not) artinya Auxiliary tersebut ditambah Not setelahnya.Misalkan: - Are not atau aren’t
- Do not atau don’t
- Have not atau haven’t
- Did not atau didn’t
- Will not atau won’t
- Selain ‘not’ kalimat yang dianggap negatif (negative sentence) adalah yang terdapat kata-kata berikut, never, berely, rarely, hardly, nobody, nothing, none, no one, dll.
- Predicate di kalimat pertama diubah menjadi auxiliary di bagian elliptical construction-nya
Perhatikan tabel perubahan predicate menjadi auxiliary:
Predikat of sentence | Auxiliary in elliptical |
Verb present | do, does |
To be present | are, am, is |
Verb past | did |
To be past | was/were |
Present perfect | has, have |
Past perfect | had |
Modal | Modal |
. (+) so aux(+) subj.2
- Amara is wrapping the package and so are you.
(Amara sedang membungkus paket dan kamu juga)
Perhatikan: di tabel, predikat is harus menggunakan auxiliary (are, am atau is). Kita gunakan arekarena menyesuaikan dengan subjek 2 (you). Paham kan?
- . (-) subj.2 aux(-) either
I didn’t collect car toys and Alex did not either
(Saya tidak mengoleksi mobil-mobilan dan Alex juga tidak)
- The lions have entered the cage and the tiger has too
(Singa-singa tersebut memasuki kandang dan si macan juga)
- Bima was not my assistant and neither were they.
(Bima bukanlah asistenku dan mereka juga (bukan)
- The carpenter had made some furnitures in his workshop meanwhile my uncle had not
(Tukang kayu tersebut sudah membuat sejumlah furnitur di ruang kerjanya sementara itu pamanku belum)
- Bandung is one of cool and beautiful city in Java Island and Malang is too
(Bandung adalah salah satu kota sejuk dan indah di Pulau Jawa dan begitu pula dengan Malang)
- Indonesia will be soon free from Covid 19 cases if the president takes the right actions to overcome it and so will all countries in South East Asia region
(Indonesia akan seger bebas dari kasus Covid 19 jika presidennya mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk mengatasinya dan begitu pula dengan negara-negawa di kawasan Asia Tenggara)
- A surgeon can be assisted by a nurse if he/she is doing surgery and a gynecologist can too
(Seorang dokter bedah bisa dibantu oleh seorang perawat ketika dia sedang melakukan operasi begitu juga dengan seorang dokter kandungan)
- Revalina did not visit Jeju Island in South Korea last Autumn and Sharmila did not either
(Revalina tidak mengunjungi Pulau Jeji di Korea Selatan musim gugur kemarin dan Sharmila juga (tidak)
- We will never hold the party and Mr.Lee won’t either
(Kita tidak akan pernah menyelenggarakan pesta dan Tuan Lee juga)
Contrastive Elliptical Construction
Konstruksi elipsis juga ternyata bisa bersifat bertentangan (contrast), yang mana dua klausa utama(main clause) yang digabungkan memiliki makna dan bentuk yang berlawanan. Konjungsi yang digunakan dalam contrastive elliptical adalah but (tetapi), while (sementara), atau meanwhile (sementara itu).
Kita perhatikan ilustrasi berikut!
- Bintang has not taken an English course. (negative present perfect)
- Naura’s friends have take an English course. (positive present perfect)
Maka kombinasi contrastive elliptical-nya adalah:
- Bintang has not taken an English course but/while Naura’s friends have.
(Bintang belum mengambil kursus bahasa Inggris tetapi/sementara teman-temannya Naura sudah)
Quick tips:
Sentence (+) but Auxiliary (not) Sentence (not) while Auxiliary (+) |
- Pastikan, tidak ada so, too, either, dan neither dalam contrastive elliptical
- Dua klausa yang dibagungkan dengan contrastive elliptical harus dipisahkan dengan konjungsi but (tetapi) atau while/meanwhile (sementara itu).
- Perubahan predikat menjadi auxiliary-nya berlaku sama seperti additional elliptical. (Cek tabel sebelumnya!)
- The horse is fed every morning. (+)
- These crocodiles are not fed every morning. (–)
- I will not recruit some competent officers tomorrow. (-)
- Parker will recruit some competent officers tomorrow .(+)
I won’t recruit some competent officers tomorrow but Mr. Parker will
(Besok, saya tidak akan merekrut sejumlah pegawai yang kompeten namun Tuan Parker akan)
- The sailors rarely sailed too far from coastal line. (-)
- Somalia NAVY sailed too far from coastal line. (+)
The sailors rarely sailed too far from coastal line but Somalia NAVY did
(Para nelayan jarang berlayar terlalu jauh dari bibir pantai namun Angkatan Laut Somalia melakukannya)
- The priest doesn’t advise all of his partisans
- Some political party leaders advise all of his partisans
The priest doesn’t advise all of his partisans meanwhile some political party leaders do
(Pendeta itu tidak menasehati semua pengikutnya namun sejumlah ketua partai politik itu menasehatinya)
My nephew is crying in a lavatory while his friends aren’t.
(Keponakanku sedang menangis di toilet sementara teman-temannya tidak menangis di toilet)
Contoh Soal Elliptical Construction & Pembahasannya
Combine these/two sentences below into the correct elliptical construction!
- – An internist doesn’t take a surgery in emergency time
– A surgeon takes a surgery in emergency time
Combination: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- – The thieves are being trapped in the locked room
– My cat is being trappedin the locked room
Combination: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- – She had never absolved herself from some terrible things
– Finally, I had absolved myself from some terrible things
Combination: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- – I hate travelling to the crowded area
– Vicky hates traveling to the crowded area.
- – Some women have been advised to stay at home
– Her mother have never been advised to stay at home
- – All secretaries mustn’t submit their annual financial report
– Beverly mustn’t submit her annual financial report
- – Theoretically, Lee will explain the newest concept of mathematics
– I won’t explain the newest mathematics concept in theoretical way
- – Jason barely withdraws his words after he says them
– I usually withdraw my words after saying them
- – Dennis can’t be happy to see his basket ball team’s lost in the final match.
– All students in my school can’t be happy to see his basket ball team’s lost in the final match
- – Belcher snake is the most venomous creature in the universe
– Box jellyfish is tha most venoumous creature in the universe
- An internist doesn’t take a surgery in emergency time meanwhile a surgeon does
- The thieves are being trapped in the locked room and so is my cat/my cat is too.
- She had never absolved herself from some terrible things but I had
- I hate travelling to the crowded area and so does Vicky/Vicky does too
- Some women have been advised to stay at home while her mother have not/haven’t
- All secretaries mustn’t submit their annual financial report and beverly musn’t either/neither must Beverly.
- Theoretically, Lee will explain the newest concept of mathematics meanwhile I won’t
- Jason barely withdraws his words after he says them but I usually do
- Dennis can’t be happy to see his basket ball team’s lost in the final match and all students in my school can’t either/neither can all students in my school.
- Belcher snake is the most venomous creature in the universe and so is Box jellyfish/Jellyfish box is too.