Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Rangkuman Materi Past Future Perfect

Past future perfect digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah pengandaian atau peristiwa yang sebenarnya tidak pernah terjadi di masa lalu karena ada syarat atau kondisi yang tidak terpenuhi. Sama seperti jenis tense yang lainnya, past future perfect juga memiliki dua bentuk utama, yaitu bentuk predikat kata kerja (verbal form) dan bentuk predikat bukan kata kerja alias yang berpelengkap (nonverbal from). Perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini tentang past future perfect!

VERBAL FROM (Menggunakan predikat kata kerja)

Bentuk predikat berkatakerja dari past future perfect terdiri dari tiga: bentuk positif (positive/declarative), bentuk negatif (negative/declarative), dan bentuk tanya (interrogtive).


Bentuk positif dari past future perfect menggunakan kata kerja bantu past modal (would) + (perfect auxiliary), yaitu Have + Verb 3. 

SubjectWould + HaveVerb3Object


Bentuk negatif dari past future perfect menggunakan NOT atau NEVER setelah would baru ditambahkan Have + Verb 3.

SubjectWould Not + HaveVerb3Object

Time clues:

Penanda tense yang lazim digunakan dalam past future tense adalah: penggunaan konjungsi if (jika): …past future + IF + simple past



  1. Inggrid and her father would have decorated this spacious room for a farawell party if the owner had allowed them
    (Inggrid dan ayahnya akan sudah mendekorasi ruangan luas ini untuk pesta perpisahan jika pemilik ruangan telah mengijinkan mereka)
  1. Zaenal would have deactivated his Facebook account if there had been still hate speeches in his comment column.
    (Zaenal akan sudah menonaktifkan akun Facebook-nya jika masih ada ujaran-ujaran kebencian dalam kolom komnentarnya)
  1. Several gardeners would have watered the orchids more frequently if the dry season had come faster.
    (Sejumah tukang kebun akan sudah menyiram bunga-bunga anggrek mereka lebih sering jika musim kemarau datang lebih cepat)
  1. Taufan’s smilling at that girl would have caused her very enchanted if Taufan’s mouth hadn’t been smelly.
    (Senyumnya Taufan ke gadis itu akan membuat di gadis terpikat itu pun jika mulutnya Taufan tidak bau tak sedap)


  1. My father would not have controlled his property business abroad if he had been sick so long
    (Ayahku tidak akan pernah mengontrol bisnis propertnya di luar negeri jika ia sakit begitu lama)
  1. The patient’s husband would have not claimed his wife’s health insurance if he had still had enough money to pay down hospital fee.
    (Suami si pasien tidak akan mengklaim asuransi kesehatan istrinya jika ia masih punya cukup uang untuk membayar biaya rumah sakit)
  1. If there had been a threat from another jet, that amateur pilot wouldn’t have done dangerous maneuvers.
    (Jika ada sebuah ancaman dari pesawat jet yang lain, pilot amatiran tersebut belum akan  melakukan manuver berbahaya.)
  1. Satrio and Cakra would not have checked onine dictionaries if they had not found difficulty in translating the unknown vocabularies.
    (Satrio dan Cakra tdak akan mengecek kamus on line jika mereka tidak menemukan kesulitan dalam menerjemahkan kosakata-kosakata yang belum diketahui)


Sama seperti jenis tense yang lain, jenis pertanyaan dalam past future perfect juga dibagi dua: auxiliary atau yes/no-question dan informative/W/H-question. Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!

Auxiliary or Yes/No-Question (Apakah….akan sudah….)

Would SubjectHaveVerb3Object?

 W/H or Informative Question

W/HWould SubjectHaveVerb3Object?


  • Yes/No-Question = Pertanyaan yang diawali dengan WOULD dan menghendaki jawaban yes or no
  • W/HQuestion = Pertanyaan informatif yang di awali dengan what/when/where /who/why/how


Auxiliary atau yes/no-question

  1. Would Thamrin have taught Indonesian in Australia if he had moved and worked there?
    (Apakah Pak Thamrin akan sudah mengajar bahasa Indonesia di Australia jika ia telah pindah dan bekerja di sana)
  1. Would the parliament members have revised the draft bill after they had advice from Mr. President?
    (Apakah anggota parlemen tersebut akan sudah merevisi rancangan undang-undang setelah mereka mendapatkan saran dari Pak Presiden)
  1. Would Renata have immortalized her mother’s birthday moment if she had held a camera?
    (Apakah Renata akan sudah mengabadikan moment hari ulang tahun ibunya jika ia memegang kamera?)
  1. Would this author have published his book after he had had cooperated with a famous book publisher?
    (Apakah pengarang/penulis ini akan sudah menerbitkan bukunya setelah ia bekerja sama dengan sebuah penerbit buku terkenal?)

Yes/No atau informative question

  1. Where would your step-sister have discarded the garbage if she hadn’t found the empty dustbin?
    (Ke mana saudara tirimu akan sudah membuang sampah jika ia tidak menemukan tempat sampah kosong?)
  1. What would the audience have heard behind the stage if they hadn’t been so noisy?
    (Apa yang para penonton sudah dengar di belakang panggung jika mereka tidak berisik?)
  1. Why would Chelsea told his friends not to attend the illegal concert of their favourite singers?
    (Mengapa Chelsea akan sudah memberitahu teman-temannya untuk tidak menghadiri konser ilegal para penyanyi favorit mereka?)
  1. How would those smugglers broken through the blockage made by police and some safety guards?
    (Bagaimana cara para penyeludup tersebut akan sudah menerobos blokade yang dibuat oleh polisi dan sejumlah petugas keamanan?)

NON-VERBAL FORM (Tidak menggunakan kata kerja)

Bentuk non-verbal selalu berpredikat pelengkap atau complement. Pelengkap tersebut terdiri dari frasa kata sifat (adjective phrase), frasa kata benda (noun phrase), dan keterangan tempat (adverb of place). Perhatikan pola di bawah ini!

Past Future Perfect

Contoh penggunaan non-verbal:

  1. This dilligent employee would have been a vice manager if he had worked well and professionally (Noun phrase)
    (Pekerja yang rajin tersebut akan sudah menjadi seorang wakil manajer jika ia bekerja dengan baik dan profesional)
  1. That opthalmologist would have been guilty if he hadn’t been able to cure his patient’s blind eyes. (Adjective phrase)
    (Dokter mata tersebut akan sudah merasa bersalah jika ia tidak bisa menyembuhkan mata buta pasiennya)
  1. Those fighters wouldn’t have been in the jail if they had fought one another safely and professionally (Adverb of place)
    (Para petarung tersebut tidak akan berada di dalam penjara jika mereka bertarung secara aman dan profesional)

Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Soal No.1
If Hussein and his daughter _________ the road more carefully, they would not have been hospitalized.

  1. Would cross
  2. crossed
  3. Had crossed
  4. Were crossing
  5. Have been crossing

Kita harus gunakan prinsip kesejajaran dalam kalimat majemuk (if + would). Jika klausa utama menggunakan past future perfect ( konjungsi if ada bentuk past future perfect: they would not have been hospitalized, maka dalam klausa if nya kita gunakan bentuk past perfect lagi If Hussein and his daughter had crossed the road more carefully. Makna kalimat tersebut adalah “Jika Hussein dan anaknya menyeberang jalan dengan lebih hati-hati, mereka tidak akan dirawat di rumah sakit sekarang.
Jawaban C

Soal No.2
If Anton had been succesful in his dancing performance, he ________ the reward from his school.

  1. Would have got
  2. Would have been getting
  3. Would get
  4. Will have got
  5. Would be getting

Kita harus gunakan prinsip kesejajaran dalam kalimat majemuk (if + would). Jika klausa if nya  menggunakan bentuk past perfect: If Anton had been succesful in his dancing performance, maka klausa utama menggunakan past future perfect lagi: he would have got the reward from his school. Makna kalimat tersebut adalah “ Jika Anton sudah sukses dalam penampilan tarinya, ia akan sudah mendapatkan hadiah dari sekolahnya”
Jawaban A

Soal No.3
Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  1. How Shafira would have designed her next house if she had had an architect design it
  2. If Yoga had slept soon, his mother would go to the market
  3. Dani would haven’t accompanied the tourists if he had been so busy
  4. Would Donita has counted her money without a calculator?
  5. You would have got any troubles if you had not asked my assistance.

Perhatikan pola positif dari past future perfect (S + Would + Have + Verb 3). Perbaikan untuk opsi jawaban yang salah yaitu:

  • Opsi A : How would Shafira have designed her next house if she had had an architect design it
  • Opsi B : If Yoga had slept soon, his mother would have gone to the market
  • Opsi C : Dani would’nt have accompanied the tourists if he had been so busy
  • Opsi D : Would Donita have counted her money without a calculator?

Jawaban E

Soal No.4
______ the chefs _______Thailand foods if they_________ another cooking menu?

  1. How, would cook, had not had
  2. Would, have cooked, did not have
  3. When would, cook, had not had
  4. Would, have cooked, had not had
  5. Will have, cooking, do not have

Bentuk interrogative yang tepat untuk past future perfect adalah yang opsi D. Would + Subject + Have Verb 3____ If + S + Had + Verb 3. Makna kalimat tersebut adalah: “Apakah si para koki akan sudah memasak masakan Thailand jika mereka tidak punya menu masak lainnya.”
Jawaban D

Soal No.5
___________________ If the snake bitting her hadn’t had venom

  1. Tiara’s body would not be paralyzed
  2. Tiara’s body would not have been paralyzed
  3. Tiara’s body was not paralyzed
  4. Tiara’s body won’t be paralyzed
  5. Tiara’s body has not been paralyzed

Kita harus gunakan prinsip kesejajaran dalam kalimat majemuk (if + would). Jika klausa if nya menggunakan bentuk past perfect: If the snake bitting her hadn’t had venom Maka klausa utama menggunakan past future perfect lagi: Tiara’s body would not have been paralyzed. Makna kalimat tersebut adalah “Tubuh Tiara tidak akan lumpuh jika ular yang menggigitnya tersebut tidak memiliki racun.
Jawaban B

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