Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Passive Sentence Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Rangkuman Materi Passive Sentence

Passive sentence atau yang lebih dikenal dengan bentuk atau kalimat pasif adalah ragam kalimat yang lazim kita gunakan dalam konteks komunikasi global. Tujuan penggunaan bentuk pasif adalah untuk menekankan kepada “proses” terjadinya sesuatu dalam kalimat tersebut daripada fokus ke “subjek pelaku” kalimat tersebut. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kalimat pasif diilustrasikan dengan penggunaan prefiks atau awalan di- atau ter-. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan ilustrasi berikut!

  1. Active sentence
    Satrio drew an abstract object on a sheet of white paper(Satrio menggambar sebuah objek abstrak di atas selembar kertas putih)
  1. Passive sentence
    An abstract object was drawn on a sheet of white paper by Satrio(Sebuah objek abstrak digambarkan di atas selembar kertas putih oleh Satrio)

Dari kedua kalimat di atas, bisa kita ketahui jika kalimat pertama lebih menekankan pada informasi tentang subjek pelaku, yaitu Satrio sedangkan kalimat kedua lebih menekankan pada prosesnya, yaitu digambar (drawn) sebagai informasi kalimat.

Passive form (pola kalimat pasif)

Semua bentuk passive sentence manggunakan past participle verb atau verb 3.Pola dasar dari passive form adalah sebagai berikut


are, am, is, was, were, be, been,  being

Verb 3


  • Verb 3 memiliki akhiran sebagai berikut: –en (stolen, frozen, written), -ed (omitted, loved, repaired), –ht (brought, caught, bought), dan –wn (grown, blown)

Trik mengubah active sentence menjadi passive sentence

Berikut ini adalah pola perubahan kalimat aktif (active sentence) menjadi kalimat pasif (passive sentence). Perhatikan alur garis (link) dengan baik!

Quick tips:

Passive Sentence 


  1. Langkah 1: tentukan subject, active predicate, dan object
  2. Langkah 2: pindahkan subject ke posisi object dan object ke posisi subject
  3. Langkah 3: ubahlah active verb menjadi passive Jika ada adverb (keterangan), biarkan di posisi semula

Perhatikan contoh di atas, predikat aktif drew berubah menjadi was drawn dalam kalimat pasifnya dengan menggunakan skema perubahan active verb menjadi passive verb di bawah ini!

Quick tips:

Active VerbPassive Verb

verb 1 / Verb (-es)

verb 2

are/am/is + Verb 3

was/were + Verb 3



Verb (-ing)



Being + Verb 3



Verb 3



Been + Verb 3
modalVerb 1modalBe + Verb 3

Catatan: Jika Subject dalam kalimat aktif berupa kata ganti Subject Pronoun (SP), ubahlah ke ObjectPronoun (OP) dalam kalimat pasifnya. Perhatikan tabel perubahannya. 


Active voice


Passive voice
















Passive Sentence

Perhatikanlah beberapa contoh perubahan active sentence ke dalam passive sentence untuk semua variasi predikat: 

Active SentencePassive Sentence
Everyday, the boy blows some balloons

(Setiap hari, anak tersebut meniup sejumlah balon)

Everyday, some balloons are blown by the boy.

(Setiap hari, sejumlah balon ditiup anak tersebut)

They are visiting the Borobudur Temple at the moment.

(Mereka sedang mengunjungi Candi Borobudur pada saat ini)

The Borobudur Temple is being visited by them at the moment

(Candi Borobudur sedang dikunjungi mereka pada saat ini)

Andara and I have waited for our father’s arrival since yesterday

(Andara dan saya sudah menunggu kedatangan ayah kita sejak kemarin)

Our father’s arrival has been waited for by Andara and I since yesterday.

(Kedatangan ayah kita sudah ditunggu oleh Andara dan saya sejak kemarin)

All this week, She has been memorizing the romantic moment with her ex-husband.

(Semingguan ini, ia sudah sedang mengenang momen romantis dengan mantan suaminya)

All this week, the romantic moment with her ex-husband has been being memorized by her

(Semingguan ini, momen romantisnya dengan mantan suami telah ia kenang)


Last week, the minister legalized the use of heroin for medical purpose.

(Kemarin, menteri melegalkan penggunaan heroin untuk tujuan medis)

Last week, the use of heroin for medical purpose was legalized by the minister.

(Minggu kemarin, penggunaan heroin untuk tujuan medis dilegalkan oleh menteri)

John’s pitbulls were passing the dense forest to find the secret place.

(Anjing-anjing pitbull-nya John sedang melewati hutan lebat untuk menemukan tempat rahasia)

The dense forest was being passed by John’s pitbulls to find the secret place.

(Hutan lebat dilalui oleh anjing-anjing pitbull-nya John untuk menemukan tempat rahasia)

The scientists had observed the phenomenon of Aurora before they went home.

(Para ilmuwan telah mengobservasi fenomena Aurora sebelum mereka pulang)

The phenomenon of Aurora had been observed by the scienstist before they went home.

(Fenomena Aurora sudah diobservasi oleh para ilmuwan sebelum mereka pulang)

A luxurious cruiseship had been exploring The Gulf of Mexico.

(Sebuah kapal pesiar mewah sudah sedang menjelajahi Teluk Meksiko)

The Gulf of Mexico had been being explored (by a luxurious cruiseship)

(Teluk Meksiko sudah sedang dijelajahi oleh kapal pesiar merah)

Next year, my manager will invest much money for my father’s business.

(Tahun depan, manajerku akan menginvestasikan banyak uang untuk bisnis ayahku)

Next year, much money will be invested (by my manager) for my father’s business.

(Tahun depan, banyak uang akan diinvestasikan manajerku untuk bisnis ayahku)

The hunters will be facing down  many venomous snakes tomorrow morning.

(Para pemburu akan sedang menghadapi banyak  ular berbisa besok pagi)

Many venomous snakes will be being faced down by the hunters tomorrow morning.

(Banyak ular berbisa akan sedang dihadapi para pemburu besok pagi)

My grandfather would wear his spectacles if he wanted to read something.

(Kakekku akan menggunakan kacamatanya jika dia akan membaca sesuatu)

My grandfather’s spectacles would be worn by him if he wanted to read something.

(Kacamata kakekku akan dipakai oleh beliau jika dia hendak membaca sesuatu)

The juries would have criticized the new singers’ performance.

(Para juri akan sudah mengkritik penampilan para penyanyi baru)

The new singers’ performance would have been criticized by the juries

(Para penyanyi baru akan sudah dikritik oleh para juri)

The inlanders would have been catching many wild boars in that island.

(Para penghuni pulau akan sudah sedang menangkap banyak babi hutan di pulau tersebut)

Many wild boars would have been being caught by the islanders in that island.

(Banyak babi hutan akan sudah sedang ditangkap oleh para penghuni pulau di pulat tersebut)


  1. Object dalam passive voice (by …..) bisa dihilangkan kecuali jika akan mengurangi informasi sebaiknya object jangan dihilangkan.
  2. Pahami kembali keterangan waktu (time clues) yang digunakan pada tiap-tiap tenses karena akan ditanyakan dalam pertanyaan dalam tes TOEFL.

The case of impersonal “It”

Dalam kasus ini, passive sentence yang tak mengacu ke orang/subjek tertentu (impersonal), subjek tidak diketahui dengan jelas dalam bentuk pasifnya karena bentuk aktifnya menunjukan sebuah anak klausa (dependent clause). Jadi, subjek dalam pasifnya harus dinyatakan dengan ‘it’.


Some women believes that Mr. Haikal is a the most handsome man in this company

(Beberapa perempuan percaya bahwa Pak Haikal adalah pria tertampan di perusahaan ini)

Kalimat tersebut bisa dipasifkan dengan gaya impersonal sebagai berikut:

  • Mr Haikal is believed to be the most handsome man (by some woman).
    (Pak Haikal dipercaya sebagai pria tertampan diperusahaan ini)
  • It is believed that Mr Haikal is the most handsome man
    (Dipercaya bahwa Mr Haikal adalah pria tertampan diperusahaan ini)

Berikut ini adalah daftar kata kerja yang mengharuskan pembentukan pasif secara impersonal (subjek pasif dinyatakan dengan ‘it’) seperti contoh diatas:

Verbs + THATMeaning + [bahwa]


























  1. The detective has claimed that the robbers were still inside the cave
    (Detektif sudah mengklaim bahwa para perampok itu masih berada di dalam goa)Impersonal passive form:

    1. It has been claimed that the robbers were still inside the cave
      (Diklaim bahwa para perampok masih berada di dalam goa)
    2. The robbers has been claimed to be still inside the cave
      (Para perampok diklaim masih berada di dalam goa)
  1. The teenagers thought that Reza Rahadian is a great actor in Indonesian romantic movies.
    (Para remaja percaya bahwa Reza Rahadian adalah aktor hebat dalam film-film romatis Indonesia)Impersonal passive form:

    1. It was thought that Reza Rahadian is a great actor in Indonesian romantic movies.
      (Dipercaya  bahwa Reza Rahadian adalah aktor hebat dalam film-film romatis Indonesia)
    2. Reza Rahadian is thought to be a great actor in Indonesian romantic movies
      (Reza Rahadian dipercaya sebagai aktor hebat dalam film-film romatis Indonesia)

Contoh Soal Passive Sentence Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Soal No.1
The bag of “police line” are very popular in the realm of children. Fifty percent of our daily income ______ by selling them.

  1. Are being obtained
  2. Has been obtained
  3. Is being obtained
  4. Is obtained
  5. Was obtained

Preposisi by (oleh) menunjukan bentuk pasif. Tas “police line” sangat populer dikalangan anak-anak. Lima puluh persen dari pendapatan harian diperoleh dari menjualnya. Bentuk pasif “diperoleh” dalam simple present tense yaitu is obtained.
Jawaban D

Soal No.2
“Where are the documents we are going to give to my clients?”

“Oh, they ______.”

  1. Are typed
  2. Are being typed
  3. To type
  4. To be typed
  5. Have to type

Ada moment ketika seseorang menanyakan di mana dokumen yang akan diberikan ke klien. Karena dokumennya tidak ada pada saat itu. Kemungkinan kita menggunakan bentuk pasif present continuos. Dokumennya sedang diketik. (They are being typed)
Jawaban B

Soal No.3
(Soal STAN/2009)

Hardi:  What emergency measure does the government usually take to save people from the explosion of a volcano?

Andi:  People _____ to leave their houses and evacuate to a much safer area.

  1. Be urged
  2. Urge
  3. To be urged
  4. Urged
  5. Are urged

Hardi bertanya sesuatu yang bersifat umum dan ditandai dengan bentuk present “does” pada kalimat What emergency measure does the government usually take to save people from the explosion of a volcano? Maka kita gunakan bentuk pasif present juga, yaitu yang E. Orang-orang didesak (are urged) untuk meninggalkan rumah mereka dan dievakuasi ke area yang lebih aman.
Jawaban E

Soal No.4
“Last night an abductor entered the dormitory house

“Are you serious? Who ______ by him?”

  1. He kidnapped
  2. He is kidnapped
  3. Was being kidnapped
  4. Was kidnapping
  5. Was kidnapped 

Kemarin malam seorang penculik memasuki asrama itu (Last night, an abductor entered the dormitory house). Siapa yang diculik olehnya (who was kidnapped by him)
Jawaban E

Soal No.5
“Has my sister come and decorated the house soon?”
“I don’t think so. She _____.”

  1. Be just fetched
  2. Is fetching
  3. Being fetched
  4. To be fetched
  5. Is being fetched 

Ada pertanyaan dari first speaker: Sudahkah adikku datang dan mendekorasi rumah segera “Has my sister come and decorated the house soon?” Jawaban dari pembicara kedua (second speaker): Menurutku belum. Ia sedang dijemput (she is being fetched). 
Jawaban E

Soal No.6
“Why does the baby next-door keep crying?”
“As usual, it … by the babysitter.”

  1. Is neglecting
  2. Is neglected
  3. Neglects
  4. Is to be neglected
  5. Is to neglect

“Why does the baby next-door keep crying?”
(Mengapa bayi tetangga terus menangis?)
“As usual, it … by the babysitter.”
(Seperti biasa, itu … oleh babysitter)
Untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas, terdapat beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu:

  • Terdapat kata “by” (oleh) yang merupakan ciri-ciri kalimat pasif
  • Menentukan subjek kalimat tunggal (to be tunggal) atau jamak (to be jamak)
  • Menentukan keterangan waktu past, present, atau future

Subjek it → tunggal
Keterangan waktu as usualSimple Present Tense
Pola dasar kalimat pasif → to be + V3
Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas jawaban yang tepat adalah is neglected. 
Jawaban B

Soal No.7
“I’m sure you love the dog offered to you by the vet yesterday.”
“Yes, I refused it, but when I went back to him, it … .”

  1. Had been taken
  2. Had taken
  3. Had to have taken
  4. Had to be taken
  5. Had to take

“I’m sure you love the dog offered to you by the vet yesterday.”
(Saya yakin kamu menyukai anjing yang ditawarkan kepada kamu oleh dokter hewan kemarin)
“Yes, I refused it, but when I went back to him, it … .”
(Ya, saya menolaknya, tetapi ketika saya kembali lagi, itu … )
Petunjuk untuk mengisi soal di atas yaitu:
Subjek it → kalimat tunggal
but when I went back to him → keterangan waktu Past
Rumus yang dapat digunakan:
Simple Past (V2), Pas Perfect (had V3) dengan had V3 adalah first action dan V2 adalah second action. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah had been taken.
Jawaban A

Soal No.8
It is a rule that only students bringing their identity card … to enter the examinating room.

  1. To be admitted
  2. Are admitting
  3. They are admitted
  4. To admit
  5. Are admitted

It is a rule that only students bringing their identity card … to enter the examinating room (sudah menjadi aturan bahwa hanya siswa yang membawa kartu identitas … yang masuk ke ruang ujian)
Kalimat pada pertanyaan di atas berbentuk Simple Present Tense dengan subjek kalimatnya jamak (students). Maka rumus yang tepat adalah are + V3 (are admitted).
Jawaban E

Soal No.9
Komodos … to be descendant from dinosaurs.

  1. Believed
  2. They believe
  3. Are believed
  4. To believe
  5. To be believed

Komodos … to be descendant from dinosaurs (Komodos … menjadi keturunan dinosaurus)
Subjek kalimatnya jamak, yaitu komodos
Kalimat pada pertanyaan di atas berbentuk Simple Present
Rumus yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan soal tersebut:
Are + V3 → are believed
Jawaban C

Soal No.10
“When did the accident happen?”
“When the goods … from the truck.”

  1. Unloaded
  2. Being loaded
  3. Were unloading
  4. Were being unloaded
  5. They were unloading

“When did the accident happen?”
(Kapan kecelakaan itu terjadi?)
“When the goods … from the truck.”
(Saat barang … dari truk)
Kata petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas, yaitu:

  • Kata did menunjukkan Past Tense
  • Bentuk simple + when bisa menunjukkan Simple Past, Past Continuous, atau Past Perfect
  • Subjek kalimat pada kata the goods bermakna jamak

Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah were being unloaded.
Jawaban D

Soal No.11
“Where are the song lyrics we’re going give to the members of the choir?”
“Oh, they … “

  1. Are copying
  2. Are being copied
  3. To copy
  4. To be copied
  5. Copying

“Where are the song lyrics we’re going give to the members of the choir?”
(Di mana lirik lagu yang akan kita berikan kepada anggota paduan suara?)
“Oh, they … “
(Oh, mereka … )
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas yaitu:

  • Bentuk keterangan waktu pada kalimat di atas adalah Present Tense
  • Subjek kalimat “song lyrics” adalah jamak

Maka rumus yang tepat: are + V3 atau are + being + V3
Jawaban B

Soal No.12
“I haven’t got the report on the seminar held last week.”
“I’m sure it … on your desk yesterday.”

  1. Put
  2. Being put
  3. Was putting
  4. Was put
  5. Putting

“I haven’t got the report on the seminar held last week.”
(Saya belum mendapat laporan tentang seminar yang diadakan minggu lalu)
“I’m sure it … on your desk yesterday.”
(Aku yakin itu … di mejamu kemarin)
Subjek kalimat pada soal di atas adalah it → tunggal
Keterangan waktu ditunjukkan oleh kata yesterday → lampau
Maka rumus yang tepat adalah was + V3 (was put)
Jawaban D

Soal No.13
When the bus broke down in the middle of the dessert, we … that we would have to finish the journey to our destination on foot.

  1. Were telling
  2. Have told
  3. Were told
  4. Have been told
  5. Had told

When the bus broke down in the middle of the dessert, we … that we would have to finish the journey to our destination on foot.
(Ketika bus mogok di tengah hidangan penutup, maka … bahwa kami harus menyelesaiakan perjalanan ke tujuan dengan berjalan kaki)
Subjek kalimat “we” → jamak
Keterangan waktu “When the bus broke down in the middle of the dessert” → Past Tense
Maka rumus yang tepat were + V3 (were told).
Jawaban C

Soal No.14
“What is going to happen to children who have become orphans due to the tsunami disaster?”
“Don’t worry, they … “

  1. Will take care of
  2. Will have been taken care of
  3. Will have taken care of
  4. Will be taken care of
  5. Will be taking care of

“What is going to happen to children who have become orphans due to the tsunami disaster?”
(Apa yang akan terjadi pada anak-anak yang menjadi yatim piatu akibat bencana tsunami)
Subjek kalimatnya they/ orphan, juga merupakan objek dari pertanyaan pada kalimat pertama.
Katerangan waktu “is going to” atau will berbentuk Future Tense.
Maka rumus yang tepat: will + be + V3will be taken care of (akan dirawat)
Jawaban D

Soal No.15
Jupiter’s four moons … through a telescope by Galileo.

  1. Were first viewed
  2. First viewed
  3. Had been first viewed
  4. Were being first viewed
  5. First being viewed

Jupiter’s four moons … through a telescope by Galileo
(Empat bulan Jupiter … melalui teleskop oleh Galileo)
Kata by digunakan pada kalimat pasif, seperti pada soal di atas. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk menyelesaikan soal Passive Voice, yaitu:
Subjek kalimat “Jupiter’s four moons” → jamak
Keterangan waktu “Galileo” penemu di masa lalu Past Tense
Maka rumus yang tepat adalah were + first + V3 (were viewed).
Jawaban A

Soal No.16
“What time will the delayed plane depart?”
“They say that it … soon.”

  1. Will announce
  2. Is to announce
  3. To be announced
  4. Announces
  5. Will be announced

“What time will the delayed plane depart?”
(Jam berapa pesawat yang tertunda itu akan berangkat?)
“They say that it … soon.”
(Mereka mengatakan bahwa itu … segera)
Subjek kalimat it → tunggal
Terdapat kata kerja bantu (modal) yaitu will. Pada kalimat pasif, maka rumus yang tepat adalah will + be + V3will be announced
Jawaban E

Soal No.17
“How long did he have to undergo the radiation treatments?”
“For 5 month. They … until he was dismissed from the hospital.”

  1. Gave daily
  2. To be given daily
  3. Were given daily
  4. To give it daily
  5. Were given daily

“How long did he have to undergo the radiation treatments?”
(Berapa lama dia harus menjalani perawatan radiasi?)
“For 5 month. They … until he was dismissed from the hospital.”
(Selama 5 bulan. Mereka .. sampai dia dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit)
Subjek kalimat “they” (the radiation treatments) → jamak
Tidak terdapat keterangan waktu tapi bisa dilihat kata kerja yang digunakan “until he was dismissed from the hospital” → Past
Maka rumus yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah were + V3 → were given daily
Jawaban C

Soal No.18
The Amazone valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen … there.

  1. Are being produced
  2. Are produced
  3. Is being produced
  4. Is produced
  5. Was produced

The Amazone valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen … there.
(Lembah Amazone sangat penting bagi ekologi bumi. Empat puluh persen oksigen dunia … ada di sana)
Subjek kalimat “Forty percent of the world’s oxygen” → tunggal
Keterangan waktu Simple Present Tense
Maka rumus yang tepat: is + V3 (is produced)
Jawaban D

Soal No.19
The regulation in our dormitory does not allow dinner … before sunset the fasting month.

  1. To serve
  2. To be served
  3. To be serving
  4. Is served
  5. Is serving

The regulation in our dormitory does not allow dinner … before sunset the fasting month.
(Peraturan di asrama kami tidak mengizinkan makan malam … sebelum matahari terbenam bulan puasa)
Terdapat kata “allow” harus diikuti oleh to infinitive. Maka rumus yang tepat adalah to + be + V3to be served
Jawaban B

Soal No.20
Michael’s report … discussed when I called Prof. Smith this afternoon.

  1. Have been
  2. Was being
  3. Been
  4. Being

Michael’s report … discussed when I called Prof. Smith this afternoon.
(Laporan Michael … dibahas ketika saya menelepon Prof. Smith sore ini)
Subjek kalimat “Michael’s report” → tunggal
Keterangan waktu “When + Simple Past” Past Tense
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah was being
Jawaban B

Soal No.21
The author had died before his book …

  1. Would be published
  2. Was published
  3. Was being published
  4. Has been published
  5. Had been published

The author had died before his book …
(Penulis telah meninggal sebelum bukunya … )
Past Perfect Tense + before → Simple Past Tense
Subjek kalimat “his book” → tunggal
Maka rumus yang tepat untuk menjawab soal di atas yaitu was + V3  was published.
Jawaban B

Soal No.22
‘Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?’
‘Yes, … to the headquarters of Garuda.’

  1. They are faxed
  2. Has faxed
  3. The victims fax
  4. It has been faxed
  5. We fax it

‘Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?’
(Apakah kamu sudah diberitahu tentang jumlah pasti korban kecelakaan pesawat?)
‘Yes, … to the headquarters of Garuda.’
(Ya, … ke markas Garuda)
Subjek kalimat “victims” → jamak
“Victims” → kata ganti they
Maka jawaban untuk soal di atas adalah they are faxed.
Jawaban A

Soal No.23
‘Why can’t I find the file on the annual report in the computer?’
‘Because it … in the hard disk.’

  1. Was not saving
  2. Not saved
  3. Did not save
  4. Not being saved
  5. Was not saved

‘Why can’t I find the file on the annual report in the computer?’
(Mengapa saya tidak dapat menemukan file pada laporan tahunan di Komputer?)
‘Because it … in the hard disk.’
(Karena … di hard disk)
Subjek kalimat it (file on the annual report in the computer)
Subjek kalimat tidak dapat melakukan tindakan aktif (save = menyimpan)
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah was not saved.
Jawaban E

Soal No.24
‘You seem to be waiting for something these days.’
‘That’s true, I’m waiting … for an interview.’

  1. Called
  2. To call
  3. Be called
  4. Calling
  5. To be calling

‘You seem to be waiting for something these days.’
(Kamu sepertinya sedang menunggu sesuatu akhir-akhir ini)
‘That’s true, I’m waiting … for an interview.’
(Itu benar, saya sedang menunggu untuk wawancara)
Kata kerja wait diikuti oleh to infinitive. Maka rumus yang tepat untuk pasif dari to infinitive adalah to + be + V3.
Jawaban E

Soal No.25
Farid was not given a present by his parents. It means that …

  1. Farid’s parents didn’t give him a present
  2. Farid’s parents were not given a present
  3. Farid didn’t give a present to his parents
  4. Farid gave a present to his parents
  5. Farid didn’t give them a present

Farid was not given a present by his parents. It means that …
(Farid tidak diberi hadiah oleh orang tuanya. Ini berarti bahwa …
Soal di atas berbentuk pasif dengan keterangan waktu Simple Past Tense.
Maka bentuk aktif dari kalimat di atas adalah Farid’s parents didn’t give him a present.
Jawaban A

Soal No.26
‘Has there been a new policy about sick leaves?’
‘I don’t know, I don’t remember … about it.’

  1. Was being told
  2. Being told
  3. I was being told
  4. To be told
  5. Be told

‘Has there been a new policy about sick leaves?’
(Apakah ada kebijakan baru tentang cuti sakit?)
‘I don’t know, I don’t remember … about it.’
(Saya tidak tahu, saya tidak ingat … tentang itu)
Kata I bermakna pasif
Kata remember → bermakna sesuatu yang telah terjadi diikuti bentuk Gerund
Maka pola pasif untuk gerund adalah being + V3
Jawaban B

Soal No.27
“Last night someone broke into our house.”
‘Really? What … from the house?

  1. Did anything take?
  2. Was anything taken
  3. Anything to be taken
  4. Anything to take
  5. Was anything being taken

“Last night someone broke into our house.”
(Tadi malam seseorang masuk ke rumah kami)
‘Really? What … from the house?
(Betulkah? Apa … dari rumah?)
Keterangan waktu “Last night” → Simple Past Tense
WH-Question pertanyaan untuk meminta informasi
Maka rumus untuk WH-Question pada kalimat pasif adalah WH-Question + to be/ modal be + V3 ? → what was taken
Jawaban B

Soal No.28
“Hasn’t Anita submitted her report yet?”
“I don’t think so. It … “

  1. Be printing
  2. Is printing
  3. Being printed
  4. To be printing
  5. Is being printed

“Hasn’t Anita submitted her report yet?”
(Anita belum menyerahkan laporannya?)
“I don’t think so. It … “
(Saya kira tidak demikian. Dia … )
Subjek kalimat It → kata ganti untuk report
Kalimat pada soal di atas adalah kalimat aktif, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah is being printed.
Jawaban E

Soal No.29
“How old is this mosque?”
“Well. It … in 1870.”

  1. Built
  2. To be built
  3. Was built
  4. Had built
  5. Had been building

“How old is this mosque?”
(Berapa umur masjid ini?)
“Well. It … in 1870.”
(Yah. Itu … pada tahun 1870)
Subjek kalimat it → tunggal
Keterangan waktu “in 1870”Simple Past Tense
Maka rumus yang tepat yaitu was + V3  was built
Jawaban C

Soal No.30
“Did you receive our inquiry? When will we receive your confirmation?”
“My apology. It seems that … . Could you possibly resend it?”

  1. We mislay your letter
  2. Your letter is mislaid
  3. We had mislaid your letter
  4. Your letter has been mislaid
  5. Your letter was mislaid

“Did you receive our inquiry? When will we receive your confirmation?”
(Apakah kamu menerima permohonan kami? Kapan kami akan menerima konfirmasi dari kamu?)
“My apology. It seems that … . Could you possibly resend it?”
(Maafkan saya. Tampaknya … . Bisakah kamu mengirim ulang?)
Keterangan waktu → Present Perfect (menggabungkan kejadian lampau dengan kejadian seharusnya)
Maka rumus yang tepat adalah S + have/ has been + V3.
Jawaban D

Soal No.31
“Why did you use a manual typewriter to type the report?”
“My office computer broke down yesterday, and my electronic typewriter … “

  1. Was repairing
  2. Was being repaired
  3. To be repaired
  4. To repair
  5. To be repairing

“Why did you use a manual typewriter to type the report?”
(mengapa kamu menggunakan mesin tik manual untuk mengetik laporan?)
“My office computer broke down yesterday, and my electronic typewriter … “
(Komputer kantor saya rusak kemarin, dan mesin tik elektronik saya … )
Keterangan waktu pada soal di atas adalah masa lampau, maka rumus yang tepat untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah was, were + being + V3  was being repaired
Jawaban B

Soal No.32
“I thought lunch is ready”
“Don’t worry, it … now.”

  1. Is preparing
  2. Prepares
  3. Is being prepared
  4. Is prepared
  5. Be prepared

“I thought lunch is ready”
(Saya pikir makan siang sudah siap)
“Don’t worry, it … now.”
(Jangan khawatir, makanan … sekarang)
Kalimat di atas adalah kalimat pasif bermakna Continuous dengan rumus:
S + are, am, is + being + V3 → it is being prepared now
Jawaban C

Soal No.33
“I need the report immediately, so why don’t you use your laptop computer?
“I can’t the battery … “

  1. Is charging
  2. To be charging
  3. Is to charge
  4. Is being charged
  5. Charged

“I need the report immediately, so why don’t you use your laptop computer?
(Saya butuh laporannya segera, jadi kenapa kamu tidak menggunakan laptopmu?)
“I can’t the battery … “
(Aku tidak bisa batereinya … )
Kalimat pada soal di atas adalah kalimat pasif, pola rumus yang bisa digunakan yaitu:
Are, am, is + being + V3is being charged
Jawaban D

Soal No.34
“It’s hot in here; the air-conditioner is not working.”
“I think it only needs … “

  1. Be cleaned
  2. Cleaned
  3. To clean
  4. Cleaning
  5. Clean

“It’s hot in here; the air-conditioner is not working.”
(Di sini panas; AC-nya tidak berfungsi)
“I think it only needs … “
(Saya pikir itu hanya perlu … )
Kalimat di atas bermakna pasif, maka rumus yang tepat yaitu:
Need + Ving atau need + to be + V3
Jawaban D

Soal No.35
Facing hard times, people with very low income are looking forward to … by the well-to-do in getting the daily basic necessities.

  1. supporting
  2. Support
  3. Being supported
  4. Being supporting
  5. Be supported

Facing hard times, people with very low income are looking forward to … by the well-to-do in getting the daily basic necessities.
(Menghadapi masa-masa sulit, masyarakat berpenghasilan sangat rendah sangat mengharapkan … oleh orang mampu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari)
Look forward to merupakan kata kerja tertentu yang harus diikuti Gerund. Look forward to pada kalimat di atas bermakna pasif (look forward to + being + V3). Maka rumus yang tepat untuk bentuk pasif dari Gerund-nya adalah being + V3 → being supported
Jawaban C

Soal No.36
The president director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these past few years. In fact its organization … now for improvements.

  1. Restructured
  2. In restructuring
  3. Is to restructure
  4. Is being restructured
  5. Restructuring

The president director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these past few years. In fact its organization … now for improvements.
(Presiden direktur setuju bahwa kinerja perusahaan tidak baik beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Bahkan organisasinya … sekarang untuk perbaikan)
Rumus yang dapat digunakan sebagai berikut:
Are, am, is + being + V3is being restructured
Jawaban D

Soal No.36
The president director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these past few years. In fact its organization … now for improvements.

  1. Restructured
  2. In restructuring
  3. Is to restructure
  4. Is being restructured
  5. Restructuring

The president director agreed that the performance of the company has not been good these past few years. In fact its organization … now for improvements.
(Presiden direktur setuju bahwa kinerja perusahaan tidak baik beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Bahkan organisasinya … sekarang untuk perbaikan)
Rumus yang dapat digunakan sebagai berikut:
Are, am, is + being + V3is being restructured
Jawaban D

Soal No.37
Everybody knew that he had shown great loyalty to the company; therefore, he … a big some of money at the anniversary of the company.

  1. Was to reward
  2. Was rewarding
  3. Was rewarded
  4. Was being rewarded
  5. Rewarded

Everybody knew that he had shown great loyalty to the company; therefore, he … a big some of money at the anniversary of the company.
(Semua orang tahu bahwa dia telah menunjukkan kesetiaan yang besar kepada perusahaan; oleh karena itu, dia … sejumlah besar uang pada hari jadi perusahaan)
Kata had shown menunjukkan kejadian lampau, maka untuk kalimat pasif dengan kejadian lampau rumusnya: was, were + V3was rewarded
Jawaban C

Soal No.38
“Is the new edition of this magazine already available?”
“Not yet, … “

  1. It is being printed
  2. It has been printed
  3. It is printing
  4. It has printed
  5. It was printed

“Is the new edition of this magazine already available?”
(Apakah edisi baru majalah ini sudah tersedia?)
“Not yet, … “
(Belum, … )
Jawaban yang tepat adalah It is being printed (masih dicetak)
Jawaban A

Soal No.39
He came to the party without …

  1. Invited
  2. Inviting
  3. Has been invited
  4. Being invited
  5. To be invited

He came to the party without …
(Dia datang ke pesta tanpa … )
Kata without adalah preposisi (kata depan). Kata kerja yang mengikuti preposisi harus berbentuk Gerund. Untuk kalimat pasif maka rumusnya yaitu: preposition + being + V3being invited.
Jawaban D

Soal No.40
The personnel department required the application form … by air mail.

  1. To sent
  2. Was sent
  3. Is sent
  4. To be sent
  5. Being sent

The personnel department required the application form … by air mail.
(Departemen personalia membutuhkan formulir aplikasi … melalui pos udara)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah kata kerja “require” yang harus diikuti To Infinitive. Untuk kalimat bermakna pasif rumus yang dapat digunakan yaitu:
Kata kerja tertentu + to + be + V3 → to be sent (dikirim)
Yang termasuk kata kerja tertentu sebagai berikut:

  • Want
  • Allow
  • Hope
  • Decide
  • Order
  • Need
  • Intend
  • Beg
  • Expect
  • Require
  • Advise
  • Teach

Jawaban D

Soal No.41
The picture is not here anymore; it must have …

  1. Been taken away
  2. Been taking away
  3. Took away
  4. Taken away
  5. Being taken away

The picture is not here anymore; it must have …
(Gambarnya sudah tidak ada lagi; itu harus memiliki …
Petunjuk untuk mengerjakan soal di atas adalah “must have” , yaitu kata kerja bantu (modal) Perfect. Jika diikuti kalimat bermakna pasif maka rumusnya menjadi been + V3 dan jawabannya adalah been taken away.
Jawaban A

Soal No.42
Do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments … by the university research biologists.

  1. Carried out
  2. Be carried out
  3. Are carrying out
  4. Are being carried out
  5. To carry out

Do you know that at the moment some amazing experiments … by the university research biologists.
(Tahukah kamu bahwa saat ini beberapa eksperimen luar biasa … oleh para ahli biologi penelitian universitas)
Keterangan waktunya “at the moment” → Present Continuous
Untuk kalimat pasif rumus yang dapat digunakan yaitu: Are, am, is + being + V3 Are being carried out
Jawaban D

Soal No.43
The author had died before his novel …

  1. Was published
  2. Was being published
  3. Would be published
  4. Had been published
  5. Has been published

The author had died before his novel …
(Penulis telah meninggal sebelum novelnya … )
Subjek kalimat “his novel” → tunggal
Keterangan waktu untuk kalimat di atas yaitu: Past Perfect Tense + before  Simple Past Tense
Maka rumus yang dapat digunakan adalah was + V3  was published
Jawaban A

Soal No.44
X : “Is my car ready?”
Y : “I’m sorry, … because we didn’t get the spare parts until today.”

  1. We have fixed it
  2. It is still fixing
  3. Still being fixed
  4. We still fixed it
  5. It is still being fixed

X : “Is my car ready?”
(mobil saya sudah siap?)
Y : “I’m sorry, … because we didn’t get the spare parts until today.”
(Maaf, … karena kami tidak mendapatkan suku cadang sampai hari ini)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan bahwa mobil belum siap dan masih sedang dalam keadaan diperbaiki.
Maka jawaban di atas akan berbentuk Present Continuous Tense (are, am, is + being + V3)
Jawaban E

Soal No.45
“Ahmad was offered the choice between two posts.” Means:’ … the choice between two posts.’

  1. They would offer Ahmad
  2. Ahmad had offered
  3. Somebody offers Ahmad
  4. Ahmad offered some one
  5. Someone offered Ahmad

“Ahmad was offered the choice between two posts.” Means:’ … the choice between two posts.’
(Ahmad ditawari pilihan antara dua jabatan. Artinya: … pilihan di antara dua pos)
Jawaban yang tepat adalah someone offered Ahmad (seseorang menawarkan Ahmad)
Jawaban E

Soal No.46
After the house … white, it looked beautiful.

  1. Be painted
  2. To be painting
  3. Had been painted
  4. Had been painting
  5. Had painted

After the house … white, it looked beautiful.
(Setelah rumah … putih, tampak indah)
Kalimat di atas memiliki dua kejadian lampau yang terjadi secara berurutan yaitu after + S + had been + V3 (pasif) + V2 . Maka kalimatnya menjadi: After the house had been painted white, it looked beautiful.
Jawaban C

Soal No.47
The progress of this class needs …

  1. Evaluated
  2. Be evaluated
  3. In evaluating
  4. To evaluate
  5. To be evaluated

The progress of this class needs …
(Kemajuan kelas ini perlu … )
Pola untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu: need + to be + V3  needs to be evaluated
Jawaban E

Soal No.48
“The bill includes service, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, yes. Service … in the bill.”

  1. Will be included
  2. Includes
  3. Is including
  4. Is included
  5. Be included

“The bill includes service, doesn’t it?”
(Tagihan sudah termasuk layanan, kan?) → kalimat aktif
“Oh, yes. Service … in the bill.”
(Oh ya. Layanan … dalam tagihan) → kalimat pasif
Maka untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas polanya: are, am, is + V3  = is included
Jawaban D

Soal No.49
“They cancelled all flights because of fog.”
The passive form of the above sentence is “because of fog, … “

  1. All flights had cancelled
  2. They be cancelled
  3. All flights were cancelled
  4. They are being cancelled
  5. All flights have been cancelled

“They cancelled all flights because of fog.”
(Mereka membatalkan semua penerbangan karena kabut) ® kalimat aktif
The passive form of the above sentence is “because of fog, … “
(Bentuk pasif dari kalimat di atas adalah “karena kabut, … “)
Maka untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas polanya: was, were + V3 = were cancelled
Jawaban C

Soal No.50
“A well known architectis designing our new office.”
The passive form of the above sentence is, “our new office … by a well-known architect.”

  1. Be designing
  2. Is being designed
  3. Design
  4. Designed
  5. Is designed

“A well known architectis designing our new office.”
(Seorang arsitek terkenal sedang merancang kantor baru kami) → kalimat aktif
The passive form of the above sentence is, “our new office … by a well-known architect.”
(Bentuk pasif dari kalimat di atas adalah, kantor baru kami … oleh seorang arsitek terkenal)
Maka bentuk pasif untuk menjawab soal di atas adalah are, am, is + being + V3 = is being designed
Jawaban B

Soal No.51
Most Indonesian TV stations will broadcast music programs.
Means: Music programs … by most Indonesian TV stations.

  1. Is broadcasted
  2. Has been broadcasted
  3. Had been broadcasted
  4. Will be broadcasted
  5. Will be broadcasting

Most Indonesian TV stations will broadcast music programs.
(Sebagian besar stasiun TV Indonesia akan menayangkan program music) → kalimat aktif
Means: Music programs … by most Indonesian TV stations.
(Artinya: Program musik … oleh sebagian besar stasiun TV Indonesia)
Maka bentuk pasif untuk menjawab soal di atas adalah will + be + V3 = will be broadcasted
Jawaban D

Soal No.52
This is a very popular Tv program. Everyweek it … by millions of people.

  1. Being watched
  2. Has watched
  3. Had watched
  4. Watches
  5. Is watches

This is a very popular Tv program. Everyweek it … by millions of people.
(Ini adalah program TV yang sangat popular. Setiap minggu itu … oleh jutaan orang)
Keterangan waktu “everyweek” → are, am, is + V3
Maka jawabannya adalah is watches
Jawaban E

Soal No.53
‘Why can’t I find the file on the annual report in the computer?’
‘Because it … in the hard disk.’

  1. Did not have
  2. Not being saved
  3. Was not saving
  4. Was not saved
  5. Not save

‘Why can’t I find the file on the annual report in the computer?’
(Kenapa saya tidak dapat menemukan file pada laporan tahunan di komputer?)
‘Because it … in the hard disk.’
(Karena … di hard disk)
Subjek it untuk kata ganti file on the annual report in the computer. Subjek tersebut tidak bisa melakukan tindakan aktif “save”. Maka jawaban untuk kalimat pasif yang tepat adalah was not saved.
Jawaban D

Soal No.54
By the time you come, the house … blue.

  1. Will be painted
  2. Would be painted
  3. Will to be painted
  4. Will have been painted
  5. Will have been painting

By the time you come, the house … blue.
(Pada saat kamu datang, rumah … biru)
Subjek kalimat “the house” → tunggal
Katerangan waktu “by the time”Future Perfect atau Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future Perfect: will + have + V3
Future Perfect Continuous Tense: will + have + been + V3  
Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal di atas yaitu will + have + been + V3 = will have been painted
Jawaban D

Soal No.55
“I’d like to book two standard rooms for next week, please.”
“I’m sorry, Mam, our hotel … until the end of the month.”

  1. We book it fully
  2. It is fully booked
  3. To be fully booked
  4. Is fully booked
  5. Booking it fully

“I’d like to book two standard rooms for next week, please.”
(Saya ingin memesan dua kamar standar untuk minggu depan)
“I’m sorry, Mam, our hotel … until the end of the month.”
(Maaf Bu, hotel kami … sampai akhir bulan)
Subjek kalimat “our hotel” → tunggal
Untuk kalimat pasif pada soal di atas polanya yaitu: is + V3 , dengan di tambah keterangan fully yang bisa diletakkan di antara is dan V3.
Maka jawabannya adalah is fully booked.
Jawaban D

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