Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Participial Clause 1 & Pembahasannya

Materi Participial Clause 1

Participle artinya ketatakerjaan. Istilah participle atau partisip sebenarnya berhubungan dengan pengaktifan fungsi kata kerja agar memiliki fungsi gramatikal tertentu dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris (English sentence). Salah satu fungsi participle adalah sebagai klausa (participial clause).

Fungsi klausa partisip (participial clause) yaitu sebagai pembeda lain dari tiga bentuk kalimat majemuk bertingkat (complex sentence) yaitu bentuk time clause, relative clause / wh-word clause, dan causal clause. Di bagian pertama kita akan bahasa participial clause untuk time (penggunaan waktu) dan causal (penyebaban)


Klausa partisip waktu ibagi menjadi dua: active time participal clause dan passive time participial clause. Perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini!

Active time participial clause

Klausa partisif aktif (waktu) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan past perfect tense bentuk aktif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

HAVING + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Setelah me- ……, subjek ….

AFTER S + HAD + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Setelah subjek me- …, dia/ia ….


  • Klausa partisif waktu Having + Verb 3 memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan past perfect tense (After S + Had +Verb 3). 
  • Dalam klausa partisif waktu, subject dalam klausa (Having + Verb 3) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Having applied to a restaurant, Chef Juki was accepted to work there

    (Setelah melamar ke sebuah restauran, Chef Juki diterima kerja di sana)

  1. After Chef Juki had applied to a restaurant, he was accepted to work there

    (Setelah Chef Juki melamar ke sebuah restauran, ia diterima kerja di sana)


  • Kalimat No.1 disebut active participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut past perfect tense bentuk aktif

Passive time participial clause

Klausa partisif pasif (waktu) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan past perfect tense bentuk pasif .Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

HAVING + BEEN +VERB 3, Subject + Predicate


Meaning: Setelah di …, subjek …..

AFTER S + HAD BEEN + VERB 3, Subject + Predicate


Meaning: Setelah subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Having +Been + Verb 3 memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan past perfect tense (After S + Had +Been + Verb 3). 
  • Dalam klausa partisif waktu, subject dalam klausa (Having + Been + Verb 3) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Having been repaired, the car was finally sold by its owner

    (Setelah diperbaiki, mobil itu akhirnya dijual pemiliknya)

  1. After the car had been repaired, it was finally sold by its owner

    (Setelah mobil itu diperbaiki, akhirnya dijual)


  • Kalimat No.1 disebut passive participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut past perfect tense bentuk pasif


Causality participial clause disebut juga klausa partisip kausal (penyebaban). Jadi, selain dihubungkan dengan konjungsi waktu, klausa juga bisa berbentuk partisip non-waktu. Maksudnya? Dalam hal ini, bentuk partisip direlasikan dengan konjungsi alasan (causality conjunction), yaitu because/since/as yang bermakna “karena”. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

  1. Because Zulfa adopted a child, she is admitted as a mother.

    (Karena Zulfa sudah mengadopsi seorang anak, Ia dianggap ibu)

  1. Adopting a child, Zulfa is admitted as a mother.

    (Karena mengadopsi seorang anak, Zulfa dianggap seorang ibu)


  1. Klausa Zulfa adopted a child adalah anak klausa (bound clause) yang mengandung konjungsi kausalitas.
  2. Klausa Adopting a child adalah klausa partisip sebagai bentuk lain dari Zulfa adopted a child.

Secara teori, ada dua bentuk causality participle clause ini: aktif (karena me-/ber-) dan pasif (karena di-/ter-). Untuk memahami materi partisip tipe causality clause ini, perhatikan penjelasan dibawah ini:

Active participial clause (Karena me-/ber-)

Klausa partisif aktif kausal memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk aktif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

VERB (-ING), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  me …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (ACTIVE), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + me …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb (-ing) ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk aktif. Lihat simbol sama “sama dengan”
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb –ing ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Involving himself in a business, Davin looks so busy. (Active causality participial clause)
  2. Because/since Davin involved himself in a business, he looks so busy. (Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat No.1 disebut active causality participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut complex sentence with causality subordinator

Passive participle clause(Karena di-/ter-/ke-an)

Klausa partisif pasif kausal memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

VERB 3, Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  di …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (PASSIVE), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb 3 ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif.
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb 3 ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).


  1. Decorated so colorfully, the rooms seemed to be a rainbow (Passive causality participle clause)
  2. Because/since the rooms had been decorated so colorfully, it seemed to be a a rainbow.(Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat No.1 disebut passive causality participial clause sedangkan kalimat No.2 sebut complex sentence with causality subordinator

Causality participle for non-verbal form

Bentuk partisip kausalitas untuk non-verbal (bukan kata kerja) harus diawali dengan kata kerja bantu Being dan diikuti oleh komplementer, seperti kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), dan keterangan berpreposisi (adverb). Perhatikan perbandingan dua kalimat berikut:

  1. Being a horeine of Indonesia, Cut Nyak Dien’s name becomes the name of some roads in Aceh. (Causality participle clause)
  2. Because Cut Nyak Dien is a heroine of Indonesia, her name becomes the name of some roads in Aceh. (Complex sentence with causality subordinator)


Kalimat 1 dan kalimat dua secara makna sama, namun berbeda secara ketatabahasaan. Lihat simbol

Klausa partisif pasif (alasan) memiliki kesamaan makna dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

BEING (COMPLEMENT), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena  di …, subjek …..

BECAUSE + S + PREDICATE (NONVERBAL), Subject + Predicate

Meaning: Karena subject + di …., dia/ia ……


  • Klausa partisif waktu Verb 3 ………. memiliki makna (semantik) yang sama dengan causal sentence (kalimat penyebaban) bentuk pasif. Lihat simbol sama “sama dengan”
  • Dalam klausa partisif kausal, subject dalam klausa (Verb 3 ………) adalah subject dalam klausa utama (main clause).
  • Predikat complement terdiri dari tiga jenis: kata benda (noun), kata sifat (adjective), dan kata keterangan (adverb)

Untuk lebih memahami materi tentang participal clause (TIME dan CAUSAL), perhatikan contoh-contoh di bawah ini!

Contoh time participial clause

Complex sentenceTime participle clause
After Bintang had taken over the company, he became a general managerHaving taken over the company, Bintang became a general manager
After The magicians had performed, they entered the secret roomsHaving performed, the magicians entered the secret rooms
After the steel had been solidified, it was formed to be some steel-made thingsHaving been solidified, the steel was formed to be some steel-made things
After Renata had been in Venezuela, she started to negotiate with some businessmenHaving been in Venezuela, Renata started to negotiate with some businessmen

Causality participial clause

Complex clauseCausality participle clause
Because Jasmine was frightened with a mysterious appearance, she then screamed and run awayBeing frightened with a mysterious appearance, Jasmin then screamed and run away
Since the cruel king had ruled the kingdom, he took the burdening tax from the peopleRuling the kingdom, the cruel king took the burdening tax from the people
As the fuits are mixed with some milk, they tastes so freshyMixed with some milk, the fruits taste so freshy
Becasue I  acted very well in the film, I was nominated as the best actorActing very well in the film, I was nominated as the best actor

Contoh Soal Participial Clause 1 & Pembahasannya

Make the same forms of the participle cases below! See the example!

  1. Not being happy to live with her step mother, Jasmine ran away.

    (Because Jasmine was not happy to live with her step mother, she ran away)

  2. Recruited as the main member, I felt proud of myself
  3. Standing in line for hours to buy the tickets of JKT 48, Dody felt so tired
  4. Having linked two unconnected cables, Indra pushed the power button.
  5. Being popular due to his “odading Mang Oleh” video, Ade Londok became an instagram celebrity.
  6. Smiling so sweetly, Naura is regarded as “An Angle from Paradise”.
  7. Having been jailed by the state police, the terrorists could do nothin
  8. Being a professional pilot, Richard can fly a jet plane.
  9. Having been asked to join the dance club, Kamila is very enthusiastic.
  10. Called “the fat got”, Dudung felt angry and hit Dadang


  1. Because I was recruited as the main member, I felt proud of myself
  2. Because Dody had been standing in line for hours to buy the tickets of JKT 48, he felt so tired
  3. After Indra had linked two unconnected cables, he pushed the power button.
  4. Because Ade Londok is popular due to his “Odading Mang Oleh” video, he became an instagram celebrity.
  5. Because Naura smiles so sweetly, she is regarded as “An Angle from Paradise”.
  6. After the terrorists had been jailed by the state police, they could do nothin
  7. Because Richard becomes a professional pilot, he can fly a jet plane
  8. After Kamila had been asked to join the dance club, she is very enthusiastic.
  9. Because Dudung was called “the fat got”, he felt angry and hit Dadang.

Soal No.11
Having survived the impact of the international financial crisis, the insurance industry expects a steady growth in 2011. The italic phrase means … the insurance industry has survived the impact of the international financial crisis.

  1. Although
  2. While
  3. Because
  4. In order that
  5. Whenever

Having survived the impact of the international financial crisis, the insurance industry expects a steady growth in 2011. The italic phrase means … the insurance industry has survived the impact of the international financial crisis.
(Setelah selamat dari dampak krisis keuangan inernasional, industri asuransi mengharapkan pertumbuhan yang stabil di tahun 2011. kalimat yang dicetak miring berarti … industry asuransi telah selamat dari dampak krisis keuangan internasional)
Dua kalimat yang dipadatkan pada materi participle dapat memiliki makna sequenced event (urutan peristiwa), cause-effect (alasan), dan lain-lain.
Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah because.
Jawaban C

Soal No.12
Malnutrition among children … not only in low-income families but also among high-in-come eraners is caused by economic factors as well as the habits and lifestyle of parents.

  1. Occur
  2. Occurred
  3. They occur
  4. Occurring
  5. To occur

Malnutrition among children … not only in low-income families but also among high-in-come earners is caused by economic factors as well as the habits and lifestyle of parents.
(Gizi buruk pada anak … tidak hanya pada keluarga berpenghasilan rendah tetapi juga pada keluarga berpenghasilan tinggi disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi serta kebiasaan dan gaya hidup orang tua)
Subjek kalimat “Malnutrition among children … not only in low-income families but also among high-in-come earners” , memerlukan penjelasan untuk menyatakan yang terjadi. polanya: V3 (occurred) atau which + to be + V3 (which is occurred)
Jawaban B

Soal No.13
Tchaikovsky’s music … with immense technical skill and marked by emotional warmth, lyrical melody, and colorful orchestration, has long had wide appeal for the general public.

  1. Was written
  2. Whose written
  3. Which it was written
  4. Written
  5. It was written

Tchaikovsky’s music … with immense technical skill and marked by emotional warmth, lyrical melody, and colorful orchestration, has long had wide appeal for the general public.

(Music Tchaikovsky … dengan keterampilan teknis yang luar biasa dan ditandai dengan kehangatan emosional, melodi liris, dan orkestrasi yang penuh warna, telah memiliki daya Tarik yang luas bagi masyarakat umum)
Subjek kalimat “Tchaikovsky’s music … with immense technical skill and marked by emotional warmth, lyrical melody, and colorful orchestration”
Predikat kalimat “has long had”
Penjelasan yang tepat untuk kalimat di atas adalah yang ditulis ® V3 (written) atau which + to be + V3 (which is written)
Jawaban D

Soal No.14
Being manufactured domestically, …

  1. A foreign brand should not be given to the product
  2. The product should not be given a foreign brand
  3. The company should not give the product a foreign brand
  4. The product’s brand should not be a foreign brand
  5. We should not give the product a foreign brand

Being manufactured domestically, …
(diproduksi di dalam negeri, … )
Kalimat pada soal di atas berasal dari dua klausa dengan subjek yang sama, dipadatkan dengan pola participle.
Karena diproduksi di dalam negeri, barang seharusnya tidak perlu diberi label asing.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the product should not be given a foreign brand.
Jawaban B

Soal No.15
Having seized some of the people related to the bombing of the J.W. Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels, …

  1. Police investigationwas continued to destroy the network of the terrorists
  2. The terrorist network would be destroyed by the police
  3. The police were determined to destroy the network of terrorists
  4. A continued investigation was conducted to destroy the terrorists network
  5. Destroying the tourists network was the police’s main objective

Having seized some of the people related to the bombing of the J.W. Marriot and Ritz-Carlton hotels, …
(Setelah menangkap beberapa orang yang terkait dengan pengeboman J.W. Hotel Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton, … )
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah having seized (setelah menangkap) dan yang menangkap adalah polisi. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the police were determined to destroy the network of terrorists (polisi bertekad untuk menghancurkan jaringan teroris)
Jawaban C

Soal No.16
I’ve just received an email from the bookstore … that the newest Harry Potter novel will be available next week.

  1. To say
  2. Saying
  3. Which said
  4. To be saying
  5. Said

I’ve just received an email from the bookstore … that the newest Harry Potter novel will be available next week.
(Saya baru saja menerima email dari toko buku … bahwa novel Harry Potter terbaru akan tersedia minggu depan)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas  adalah the bookstore yaitu kata yang menunjukkan “yang menyatakan”, polanya Ving (saying) atau which V1 s, es (which says)
Jawaban B

Soal No.17
Last summer, he visited Nasau, a small but vibrant city, with a great range of designer outlets … luxury goods at tax-free prices.

  1. That sell
  2. Sold
  3. They sold
  4. Selling
  5. To sell

Last summer, he visited Nasau, a small but vibrant city, with a great range of designer outlets … luxury goods at tax-free prices.
(Musim panas lalu ia mengunjungi Nasau, sebuah kota kecil namun ramai, dengan berbagai gerai desainer … barang mewah dengan harga bebas pajak)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah which sold (yang menjual) yang dapat diubah menggunakan active participle menjadi selling.
Jawaban D

Soal No.18
… as Het achterhuis in 1947, Anne frank’s journal was successfully dramatized by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and presented in New York as The Diary of Anne Frank in 1956.

  1. Originally published in Dutch
  2. Having originally published in Dutch
  3. Having had originally published in Dutch
  4. It was originally published originally in Dutch
  5. It was published originally in Dutch

… as Het achterhuis in 1947, Anne frank’s journal was successfully dramatized by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and presented in New York as The Diary of Anne Frank in 1956.
( … sebagai Het achterhuis pada tahun 1947, jurnal Anne frank berhasil didramatisasi oleh Frances Goodrich dan Albert Hackett dan disajikan di New York sebagai The Diary of Anne Frank pada tahun 1956)
Kalimat pada soal di atas berasal dari dua kalimat yang digabungkan menjadi satu dengan menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) atau participle V3 / Ving.
Pada mulanya Anne frank’s journal diterbitkan di Belanda, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah originally published in Dutch (awalnya diterbitkan dalam bahasa Belanda)
Jawaban A

Soal No.19
I’ve just received a fax from the bookstore … that the latest version of the accounting book written by Kelso will be available tomorrow.

  1. To notify
  2. Notifying
  3. To be notified
  4. Notified
  5. Notifies

I’ve just received a fax from the bookstore … that the latest version of the accounting book written by Kelso will be available tomorrow.
(Saya baru saja menerima faks dari toko buku … bahwa versi terbaru dari buku akuntansi yang ditulis oleh Kelso akan tersedia besok)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah ungkapan which notifies (yang menyatakan) dapat dipadatkan dengan active participle menjadi notifying.
Jawaban B

Soal No.20
“It’s very unfortunate that some companies have closed their plants in Indonesia.”
“Well, this is just an example of the economic problem … by the country.”

  1. Face
  2. Facing
  3. To face
  4. Faced
  5. Were faced

“It’s very unfortunate that some companies have closed their plants in Indonesia.”
“Well, this is just an example of the economic problem … by the country.”
(Sangat disayangkan beberapa perusahaan telah menutup pabriknya di Indonesia. Nah, ini hanya contoh masalah ekonomi … oleh negara)
Predikat kalimat → is
Objek kalimat → just an example of the economic problem … by the country
Polanya: V3 (faced) atau which + to be + V3 (which is faced) → yang dihadapi
Jawaban D

Soal No.21
Entering the classroom, I saw my students … for the speech they had to make.

  1. Practicing
  2. Were practising
  3. Practiced
  4. Had practice
  5. To practice

Entering the classroom, I saw my students … for the speech they had to make.
(Memasuki ruang kelas, saya melihat murid-murid saya … untuk pidato yang harus mereka buat)
Pada kalimat di atas berlaku: Subject + Verb of senses + Object + Ving /V1 ® I saw my students practicing
Maka jawabannya adalah practicing.
Jawaban A

Soal No.22
“What did the police find in the investigation?”
“The weapon … in the murder.”

  1. Uses
  2. Used
  3. That uses
  4. That used
  5. Using

“What did the police find in the investigation?”
(Apa yang ditemukan polisi dalam penyelidikan?)
“The weapon … in the murder.”
(Senjata … dalam pembunuhan itu)
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu “yang digunakan” dengan pola V3 (used) atau which + to be + V3 (which is used)
Jawaban B

Soal No.23
“I met Dr. Sitorus last week.”
“You mean the man … you the letter of recommendation for your scholarship?”

  1. Give
  2. To give
  3. Giving
  4. Given
  5. To be giving

“I met Dr. Sitorus last week.”
(Saya bertemu Dr. Sitorus minggu lalu)
“You mean the man … you the letter of recommendation for your scholarship?”
(Maksudmu pria itu … surat rekomendasi untuk beasiswamu?)
Jawaban untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah “yang memberimu”, polanya: Ving (giving) atau who + V2 (who gave)
Jawaban C

Soal No.24
Submitting his loan application from just three weeks before the bank was liquidated, Mr. Priyanto had to cancel his plan tobuy modern machinery. This means that …

  1. Priyanto must have known that the bank was going to be liquidated
  2. Priyanto could not get a bank loan as the bank was liquidated
  3. They informed Mr. Priyanto in advance that it was going to be liquidated
  4. Priyanto went a head with his modernization plan for his factory
  5. The bank did not plan to etend a capital loan to Mr. Priyanto

Submitting his loan application from just three weeks before the bank was liquidated, Mr. Priyanto had to cancel his plan tobuy modern machinery. This means that …
(Mengajukan aplikasi pinjaman hanya dari tiga minggu sebelum bank dilikuidasi, Pak Proyanto harus membatalkan rencananya untuk membeli mesin modern. Ini berarti bahwa … )
Maka makna dari kalimat di atas adalah Mr. Priyanto could not get a bank loan as the bank was liquidated (Pak Priyanto tidak bisa mendapatkan pinjaman bank karena bank dilikuidasi)
Jawaban B

Soal No.25
Encouraged by the good result of the math test, …

  1. There will be two class sessions for math each week
  2. Today’s math lesson has been cancelled
  3. The results of the other subjects are also considered
  4. The math subject is getting easier and easier
  5. My brother is now studying even harder than before

Encouraged by the good result of the math test, …
(Didorong oleh hasil yang baik dari tes matematika, … )
Encouraged → V3
Kata encouraged terletak di awal kalimat memiliki arti “karena didorong”
Maka jawaban untuk soal di atas adalah my brother is now studying even harder than before (kakakku sekarang belajar lebih giat dari sebelumnya)
Jawaban E

Soal No.26
Invited to present a paper in a seminar, …

  1. Suryadi’s soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee by email this morning
  2. The committee was sent a soft copy of the paper by email this morning
  3. The soft copy of the paper was sent by Mr. Suryadi to committee by enail this morning
  4. An email with the soft copy of the paper was sent to the committee this morning
  5. Mr. Suryadi sent the soft copy of the paper to the committee by email this morning

Invited to present a paper in a seminar, …
(Diundang untuk mempresentasikan makalah dalam seminar, … )
invited → V3
Kata invited terletak di awal kalimat memiliki arti “karena diundang”
Maka jawaban untuk soal di atas adalah Mr. Suryadi sent the soft copy of the paper to the committee by email this morning (Bapak Suryadi mengirimkan soft copy makalah kepada panitia melalui email tadi pagi)
Jawaban E

Soal No.27
“Having seen the movie before, I did not find it as axciting as it had been.”
The above sentence means …

  1. The movie is very interesting
  2. She has watched the film at least twice
  3. Because the movie was not exciting, she did not watch again
  4. She watched the movie and she did not like it
  5. She likes watching movies

“Having seen the movie before, I did not find it as axciting as it had been.”
(Setelah melihat film itu sebelumnya, saya tidak menemukan bahwa film itu semenarik yang saya tonton pertama kali)
The above sentence means …
(kalimat di atas berarti … )
Maka maksud dari kalimat di atas adalah she has watched the film at least twice (Dia telah menonton film setidaknya dua kali)
Jawaban B

Soal No.28
Several individuals … different groups have become united in their efforts to make the government cancel the increase of fuel prices.

  1. Represent
  2. To represent
  3. They represent
  4. Representing
  5. Represented

Several individuals … different groups have become united in their efforts to make the government cancel the increase of fuel prices.
(Beberapa individu … kelompok yang berbeda telah bersatu dalam upaya mereka untuk membuat pemerintah membatalkan kenaikan harga BBM)
Subjek kalimat → several individuals … different groups
Predikat kalimat → have become
Untuk melengkapi subjek kalimat di atas dengan menggunakan participle (V3 / Ving) sebagai penjelas.
Maka jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah “yang mewakili” → Ving (representing) atau who + V1 (who represent)
Jawaban D

Soal No.29
More than thirty teenagers … in front of the elevators at the Borobudur Hotel wanted to get a better view of the members of the Taiwanese boy band, called F4.

  1. Crowded
  2. They are crowding
  3. Crowding
  4. Being crowded
  5. To crowd

More than thirty teenagers … in front of the elevators at the Borobudur Hotel wanted to get a better view of the members of the Taiwanese boy band, called F4.
(Lebih dari tiga puluh remaja … di depan lift di hotel Borobudur ingin melihat lebih baik anggota boy band Taiwan, yang disebut F4)
Subjek kalimat → More than thirty teenagers … in front of the elevators at the Borobudur Hotel
Predikat kalimat → wanted to get
Untuk melengkapi subjek kalimat di atas dengan menggunakan participle (V3 / Ving) sebagai penjelas.
Maka jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah “yang berkerumun” → Ving (crowding) atau who + V2 (who crowded)
Jawaban C

Soal No.30
A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, … firmly on the island shore, is frequently visited by foreign tourists.

  1. Stand
  2. Stood
  3. Standing
  4. To stand
  5. Are standing

A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, … firmly on the island shore, is frequently visited by foreign tourists.
(Simbol kemakmuran kerajaan di masa lalu, kastil tua, … kokoh di tepi pulau, sering dikunjungi turis asing)
Subjek kalimat → A symbol of royal prosperity in the past, the old castle, … firmly on the island shore
Predikat kalimat → is frequently visited
Untuk melengkapi subjek kalimat di atas dengan menggunakan participle (V3 / Ving) sebagai penjelas.
Maka jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah “yang berdiri” → Ving (standing)
Jawaban C

Soal No.31
… , she was able to achieve what she had dreamed of.

  1. Carefully did she plan for future
  2. She planned her future carefully
  3. Her future was planned with care
  4. Her future was carefully planned
  5. Having planned her future carefully

… , she was able to achieve what she had dreamed of.
( … , dia bisa mencapai apa yang dia impikan)
Dua kalimat pada soal di atas digabungkan dengan participle. Memiliki subjek kalimat yang sama yaitu she. Jawaban yang diinginkan kalimat di atas adalah “setelah merencanakan masa depannya dengan baik” (having + V3 = having planned)
Jawaban E

Soal No.32
Ornamented with beautiful traditional Balinese carving, …

  1. Many foreign tourists are curious to visit the house
  2. The antiquity of the house is admired by many tourists
  3. Tourists guides often bring their guest to visit the house
  4. The owner of the house allows tourists to visit and admire its beauty
  5. The house of a local resident becomes an object of tourism

Ornamented with beautiful traditional Balinese carving, …
(Dihiasi dengan ukiran tradisional Bali yang indah, … )
Ornamented → V3 (past participle), bermakna  “karena dihiasi”
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the house of a local resident becomes an object of tourism (rumah penduduk setempat menjadi objek wisata)
Jawaban E

Soal No.33
In biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life … all the components required for independent existence.

  1. Contains
  2. Is contained
  3. It contains
  4. Containing
  5. To be contained

In biology, a cell is defined as the smallest unit of life … all the components required for independent existence.
(Dalam biologi, sel didefinisikan sebagai unit kehidupan terkecil … semua komponen yang diperlukan untuk keberadaan yang mandiri)
Predikat kalimat is defined
Objek kalimat as the smallest unit of life … all the components required
Jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kata kerja aktif dengan pola Ving (containing = yang mengandung) atau which + to be + V1 s,es (which contains).
Jawaban D

Soal No.34
Digitalis is a drug … from the seed and leaves of a plant with the same name and used as a cardiac stimulant.

  1. Prepares
  2. Which prepares
  3. Is prepared
  4. Which is prepared
  5. Which prepared

Digitalis is a drug … from the seed and leaves of a plant with the same name and used as a cardiac stimulant.
(Digitalis adalah obat … dari biji dan daun tanaman dengan nama yang sama dan digunakan sebagai stimulan jantung)
Jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kata kerja pasif dengan pola V3 (prepared) atau which + to be + V3 (which is prepared) → yang dibuat
Jawaban D

Soal No.35
Having read the document carefully, …

  1. The manager signed it
  2. The manager signature was affixed
  3. The document is signed by the manager
  4. It was signed by the manager
  5. The document that is signed by the manager

Having read the document carefully, …
(Setelah membaca dokumen dengan seksama, … )
Yang membaca dokumen adalah manager, dengan having V3 terletak di awal kalimat.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the manager signed it (manajer menandatanganinya)
Jawaban A

Soal No.36
Wanting to get more customer to use its service, …

  1. There are bonuses given by bank arya on customers deposit
  2. Customer get bonuses on their deposits from bank arya
  3. Customer’s deposits are given bonuses by bank arya
  4. Bank arya is giving bonuses on its customers deposits
  5. Customers are given bonuses on their deposits by bank arya

Wanting to get more customer to use its service, …
(Karena ngin mendapatkan lebih banyak pelanggan untuk menggunakan layanannya, … )
Wanting (Ving ) → berarti “karena ingin”
Yang ingin mendapatkan pelanggan adalah Bank arya
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah Bank arya is giving bonuses on its customers deposits (Bank arya memberikan bonus pada nasabah simpanannya)
Jawaban D

Soal No.37
Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, …

  1. The government cooperate with related education centers
  2. There is cooperation between the government and related education centers
  3. The establishment of cooperation between government and related education centers has been realized
  4. Cooperation between government and related education centers has been established
  5. It is necessary to established cooperation between the government and related centers of education

Interested in developing tourism in Indonesia, …
(Karena tertarik mengembangkan pariwisata di Indonesia, … )
Interested (V3) → berarti “karena tertarik”
Yang ingin mengembangkan pariwisata adalah Pemerintah
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the government cooperate with related education centers (Pemerintah bekerjasama dengan pusat pendidikan terkait)
Jawaban A

Soal No.38
Displayed at the Internasional Trade Fair, …

  1. Indonesia handicraft received a lot of attention from European importers
  2. European importers were attracted by the Indonesian handicraft on display
  3. A lot of attention was given to Indonesian handicraft on display
  4. The display of the handicrafts at the trade fair attracted a lot of attention
  5. Indonesian received a lot of attention from European importers due to its handicraft

Displayed at the Internasional Trade Fair, …
(Karena dipamerkan di International Trade Fair, … )
Displayed (V3) → berarti “karena ditampilkan”
Yang dipamerkan adalah kerajinan tangan dari Indonesia
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah Indonesia handicraft received a lot of attention from European importers (kerajinan dari Indonesia mendapat banyak perhatian dari importir Eropa)
Jawaban A

Soal No.39
… by not more than 40 families, Kampung Naga is a unique village in West Java.

  1. Inhabit
  2. To inhabit
  3. Inhabited
  4. Inhabitant
  5. Inhabiting

… by not more than 40 families, Kampung Naga is a unique village in West Java.
( … tidak lebih dari 40 keluarga, Kampung Naga adalah desa yang unik di Jawa Barat)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah terdapat dua kalimat tunggal yaitu
… by not more than 40 families dan Kampung Naga is a unique village in West Java
Kedua kalimat tersebut dapat digabungkan dengan participle (Ving atau V3)
Maka jawaban yang tepat inhabited (karena dihuni)
Jawaban C

Soal No.40
Trying hard to win the beauty contest, Ita neglected all her school assignments.
The underlined words means: “ … very hard to win the beauty contest.”

  1. If she tried
  2. Although she tried
  3. Before she tried
  4. Since she tried
  5. After she tried

Trying hard to win the beauty contest, Ita neglected all her school assignments.
(Berusaha keras untuk memenangkan kontes kecantikan, Ita mengabaikan semua tugas sekolahnya)
The underlined words means: “ … very hard to win the beauty contest.”
(Kata-kata yang digarisbawahi berarti: … sangat keras untuk memenangkan kontes kecantikan)
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah since she tried (karena dia berusaha)
Jawaban D

Soal No.41
The young men … by the institute are all university graduates.

  1. Employ
  2. Employed
  3. To employ
  4. Employing
  5. Be employer

The young men … by the institute are all university graduates.
(Para pemuda … menurut institut semuanya adalah lulusan universitas)
Terdapat kata by (oleh) yang menunjukkan kalimat berbentuk pasif.
Predikat kalimat “are”
Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas diperlukan kata kerja pasif sebagai penjelas, yaitu employed (V3) → yang dipekerjakan
Jawaban B

Soal No.42
… the biggest star in the sky, the Dog Star has an absolute magnitude about twenty-three times that of the Sun.

  1. To be
  2. Being
  3. It is
  4. Be
  5. Which is

… the biggest star in the sky, the Dog Star has an absolute magnitude about twenty-three times that of the Sun.
( … bintang terbesar di langit, Bintang Anjing memiliki magnitude absolut sekitar dua puluh tiga kali lipat matahari)
Kedua kalimat di atas harus digabungkan dengan kata sambung pengganti atau participle (V3/Ving) yaitu being (karena)
Jawaban B

Soal No.43
Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for people … near airports.

  1. Live
  2. Be living
  3. Living
  4. They lived
  5. They are living

Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for people … near airports.
(Terkadang hidup pasti sangat tidak menyenangkan bagi orang … di dekat bandara)
Kalimat di atas membutuhkan penjelas untuk melengkapinya, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah living (yang tinggal).
Jawaban C

Soal No.44
Inspired by the recent natural disaster, …

  1. Sad and sentimental songs are composed
  2. Composers produced sad and sentimental songs
  3. There are compositions of sad and sentimental songs
  4. The composition includes sad and sentimental songs
  5. The results is the composition of sad and sentimental songs

Inspired by the recent natural disaster, …
(Karena terinspirasi oleh bencana alam baru-baru ini, … )
Pada kalimat di atas yang terinspirasi  adalah penulis lagu (composers)
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah composers produced sad and sentimental songs (komposer menciptakan lagu-lagu sedih dan sentimental)
Jawaban B

Soal No.45
The work … computers requires well trained personel.

  1. Involved
  2. Involve
  3. To be involved
  4. Involves
  5. Involving

The work … computers requires well trained personel.
(Pekerjaan … komputer membutuhkan personel yang terlatih)
Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah involving (Ving) → yang melibatkan.
Jawaban E

Soal No.46
“Having been defeated three times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting” means …

  1. Although he was defeated three times in a row, he decided to give up fighting
  2. He decided to give up fighting after he had been defeated three times in a row
  3. As he had decided to give up fighting, he was defeated three times in a row
  4. He decided to give up fighting, so he was defeated three times in a row
  5. When he decided to give up fighting, he was defeated three times in a row

“Having been defeated three times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting” means …
(Setelah dikalahkan tiga kali berturut-turut, petinju itu memutuskan untuk berhenti bertarung. Artinya … )
Having been (V3) = setelah di … → after
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah he decided to give up fighting after he had been defeated three times in a row (dia memutuskan untuk berhenti bertarung setelah dia dikalahkan tiga kali berturut-turut)
Jawaban B

Soal No.47
Noticing I had dropped my purse, …

  1. The bus conductor called after me
  2. I was called after by the bus conductor
  3. It was the bus conductor who called after me
  4. There was the bus conductor calling after me
  5. The bus conductor was called after me

Noticing I had dropped my purse, …
(ketika melihat saya menjatuhkan dompet saya, … )
Noticing (Ving) → berarti ketika/karena me …
Yang melihat saya menjatuhkan dompet adalah kondektur bis
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the bus conductor called after me (kondektur memanggil saya)
Jawaban A

Soal No.48
Having switched off the lights, …

  1. It was the door was locked
  2. The door wa locked
  3. This locked the door
  4. The door was locked behind him
  5. He locked the door

Having switched off the lights, …
(setelah mematikan lampu, … )
Having (V3) → berarti setelah me …
Yang mematikan lampu adalah he
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah he locked the door (dia mengunci pintu)
Jawaban E

Soal No.49
… at two prestigious universities, Amanda has a hard time deciding which one to choose.

  1. Accepting
  2. She was accepted
  3. Accepted
  4. To be accepted
  5. She was accepting

… at two prestigious universities, Amanda has a hard time deciding which one to choose.
( … di dua universitas bergengsi, Amanda kesulitan menentukan mana yang akan dipilih)
Untuk melengkapi kalimat ini jawaban yang tepat adalah accepted (V3) → karena diterima
Jawaban C

Soal No.50
Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest … the robbers hiding place.

  1. Surround
  2. Which surrounding
  3. Surrounding
  4. Is surrounding
  5. Surrounds

Slowly and carefully the police entered the dense forest … the robbers hiding place.
(Pelan-pelan dan hati-hati polisi memasuki hutan lebat … tempat persembunyian perampok)
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah surrounding (Ving) → berarti yang mengelilingi
Jawaban C

Soal No.51
Running down the stairs, she slipped and broke her leg.
The underlined words mean … down the stairs.

  1. While she was running
  2. Because she was running
  3. As she would run
  4. After she had run
  5. In order that she could run

Running down the stairs, she slipped and broke her leg.
(Ketika berlari menuruni tangga, dia terpeleset dan kakinya patah)
The underlined words mean … down the stairs.
(kata-kata yang digarisbawahi berarti … menuruni tangga)
Jawaban yang tepat adalah yang memiliki arti ketika me … / karena me … yaitu when/while
Jawaban A

Soal No.52
Not wanting to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station very early.
The underlined words means … did not want to take a risk of missing the train.

  1. Although we
  2. When we
  3. Because we
  4. If we
  5. In order that we

Not wanting to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station very early.
(Karena tidak mau mengambil risiko ketinggalan kereta, kami berangkat ke stasiun pagi-pagi sekali)
The underlined words means … did not want to take a risk of missing the train.
(kata-kata yang digarisbawahi berarti … tidak mau mengambil risiko ketinggalan kereta)
Jawaban yang tepat adalah because (karena).
Jawaban C

Soal No.53
… a few millions rupiahs, he went on a tour to Europe.

  1. Saved
  2. Have saved
  3. He has saved
  4. Having saved
  5. After he saves

… a few millions rupiahs, he went on a tour to Europe.
( … beberapa juta rupiah, dia melakukan tur ke Eropa)
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu participle (V3/Ving)
Maka jawabannya adalah having saved.
Jawaban D

Soal No.54
After the students had completed the test, they handed in their paper and left the room.
We can also say:
… the test, the students handed in their paper and left the room.

  1. Completing
  2. To have completed
  3. Completed
  4. Having completed
  5. To have completed

After the students had completed the test, they handed in their paper and left the room.
(Setelah siswa menyelesaikan tes, mereka menyerahkan kertas mereka dan meninggalkan ruangan)
We can also say:
(Kami juga dapat mengatakan
… the test, the students handed in their paper and left the room.
( … tes, para siswa meyerahkan kertas mereka dan meninggalkan ruangan)
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu setelah me … = after = having V3
Jawaban D

Soal No.55
Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the exercises.
The underlined words mean: … they forgot to finish the exercises.

  1. Although they talked excitedly
  2. In order that they could talk excitedly
  3. Because they were talking excitedly
  4. When they had talked excitedly
  5. If they talked excitedly

Talking excitedly to each other, they forgot to finish the exercises.
(Karena berbicara dengan penuh semangat satu sama lain, mereka lupa menyelesaikan latihan)
The underlined words mean: … they forgot to finish the exercises.
(kata-kata yang digarisbawahi berarti: … mereka lupa menyelesaikan Latihan)
Talking (Ving) → berarti “karena berbicara”
Maka jawabannya dapat berupa because, since, as, atau for
Jawaban C

Soal No.56
Being an outstanding student of our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia.
The underlined word means: … of our school.

  1. If he is an outstanding student
  2. Although he is an outstanding student
  3. When he is an outstanding student
  4. As he is an outstanding student
  5. Before he is an outstanding student

Being an outstanding student of our school, he has been offered a scholarship to study in Australia.
(Karena menjadi siswa berprestasi di sekolah kami, ia telah ditawari beasiswa untuk belajar di Australia)
The underlined word means: … of our school.
(kata yang digarisbawahi berarti: … di sekolah kami)
Kata sambung yang berarti karena diantaranya because, since, as, for, now, that, seeing that.
Jawaban yang tepat adalah as he is an outstanding student (karena dia adalah siswa yang berprestasi)
Jawaban D

Soal No.57
The window pane … by Edy has not been repaired yet.

  1. Broke
  2. Breaking
  3. Be broken
  4. Broken
  5. Was broke

The window pane … by Edy has not been repaired yet.
(Kaca jendela … oleh Edy belum diperbaiki)
Subjek kalimat “window pane”
Predikat kalimat “has not been repaired yet”
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yang tepat adalah kata kerja V3 , yang berarti yang di … yaitu broken.
Jawaban D

Soal No.58
Two of my friends … in the school fightlast weekend have been arrested by the police.

  1. They were involved
  2. Involved
  3. To be involved
  4. Involving
  5. Were involved

Two of my friends … in the school fightlast weekend have been arrested by the police.
(Dua teman saya … dalam perkelahian sekolah akhir pekan lalu telah ditangkap oleh polisi)
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu “yang terlibat” dengan menggunakan passive/past participle (V3) → involved
Jawaban B

Sebelumnya Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Conjunction Jawaban & Pembahasannya
Selanjutnya Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive & Pembahasannya

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