Rangkuman Materi Derivative Bahasa Inggris UTBK-SBMPTN


Derivatives adalah kata yang berasal dari kata lain/ kata dasar yang mendapatkan penambahan imbuhan (affixes), berupa awalan (prefixes) dan akhiran (suffixes).

Macam-macam derivative, sebagai berikut:

A. Membentuk Kata Benda (Noun Formation)
. … age = sabotage, breakage
. … an, … ian = mathematician, librarian
. … ance, … ence = assistance, confidence
. … dom = freedom, kingdom
. … ery = fishery, bakery
. … er = runner, teacher
. … hood = brotherhood, childhood
. … ics = athletics, economics
. … ist = dramatist, guitarist
. … ion, … tion = information, relation
. … logy = biology, sociology
. … ment = development, government
. … ness = happiness, silliness
. … or = operator, governor
. … ory = observatory, laboratory
. … ship = hardship, friendship
B. Membentuk Kata Sifat (Adjective Formation)
. … able, … ible = fashionable, responsible
. … al = survival, magical
. … ant, … ent = significant, different
. … ful = peaceful, handful
. … ic = romantic, poetic
. … ish = childish, girllish
. … ive = active, constructive
. … less = hopeless, treeless
. … like = childlike, godlike
. … ly = weekly, yearly
. … ous = dangerous, poisonous
. … y = bushy, dusty
C. Membentuk Kata Kerja (Verb Formation)
. … ate = gyrate, stimulate
. … en = darken, widen
. … ef, … ify = beautiful, terrify
. … ise, … ize = practise, computerize
. en … = endanger, enlarge
D. Membentuk Kata Keterangan (Adverb Formation)
. … ly = beautifully, happily
. … ward = backward, eastward
. … wise = clockwise, crosswise


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