Soal UTBK Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2013 Dan Pembahasannya
Problems 1-3 are based on the following passage. Choose one option that best completes the blank spaces in the passage!
Over this decade, employment in jobs requiring education beyond a high school diploma will grow more rapidly than employment in jobs that do not, of the 30 fastest growing occupations, more than half require post-secondary education. With the average earnings of college graduates at a level that is twice as high as that of workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is now the clearest (1) … into the middle class.
In higher education, the U.S has been outpaced internationally. While the United States ranks ninth in the world in the proportion of young adults enrolled in college, we have fallen to 16th in the world in our shape of certificates and degrees awarded to adults ages 25-34, lagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan and other nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six years, the (2) … for low-income students is around 25 percent.
Acknowledging these factors early in his administration, President Obama Challenged every American to commit to at least one year of higher education or post-secondary training (3) … that America would once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020.
- Effort
- Position
- Pathway
- Advantage
- Beginning
“ With the average earnings of college graduates at a level that is twice as high as that of workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is now the clearest (1) … into the middle class ”.
Maksud paragraf 1 di atas adalah bahwa pendapatan lulusan perguruan tinggi dua kali lebih besar dari pada lulusan SLTA. Maka lulusan pendidikan tinggi merupakan jalan (pathway) untuk masuk ke golongan kelas menengah.
Jawaban C
- Completion rate
- Academic capacity
- Logical understanding
- Learning achievement
- Intellectual development
“ we have fallen to 16th in the world in our shape of certificates and degrees awarded to adults ages 25-34, lagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan and other nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six years, the (2) … for low-income students is around 25 percent ”.
Maksud dari paragraf 2 di atas adalah kami telah turun keperingkat 16 untuk sertifikasi dan gelar penduduk yang berusia dewasa antara 25-34 tahun, di mana lebih dari setengah mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi lulus dalam 6 tahun, tingkat penyelesaian (completion rate) untuk mahasiswa berpendapatan rendah sekitar 25%.
Frase tersebut adalah yang paling tepat karena sebelumnya membicarakan tentang waktu untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan.
Jawaban A
- American will deserve higher education for their future
- Middle class Americans are invited to provide financial aids
- American students are suggested to take entrepreneurial skills
- The government recommends americans for college education
- The president has set up a new educational goal for the country
“President Obama Challenged every American to commit to at least one year of higher education or post-secondary training (3) … that America would once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020”.
Maksud paragraf 3 di atas adalah Presiden Obama menantang setiap orang Amerika untuk berkomitmen pada setidaknya satu tahun pendidikan tinggi atau pelatihan pasca sekolah menengah Presiden telah menetapkan tujuan baru pendidikan untuk negara (The president has set up a new educational goal for the country) bahwa Amerika akan sekali lagi memiliki proporsi lulusan perguruan tinggi tertinggi di dunia pada tahun 2020.
Jawaban E
Questions 4-7 are based on the following passage
Agroecologists do not always agree about what agroecology is or should be in the long-term. Different definitions of the term agroecology can be distinguished largely by the specificity with which one defines the term’s potential political connotations. Definitions of agroecology, therefore, may be first grouped according to the specific contexts within which they situate agriculture. Agroecology is defined as “the study of the relation of agricultural crops and environment.” This definition refers to the “-ecology” part of “agroecology” narrowly as the natural environment. Following this definition an agroecologist would study agriculture’s various relationships with soil health, water quality, air quality, meso-and-micro-fauna, surrounding flora, environmental toxins, and other environmental contexts.
A more common definition of the word can be taken from Dalgaard et al, who refer to agroecology as the study of the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment within agricultural systems. Consequently, agroecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agronomy, ecology, sociology, economics, and related disciplines. In this case, the “-ecology” include social, cultural, and economic contexts as well.
In the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. Such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. North American and european uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. In these, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals.
- Political and interactive approaches
- General and cross-authoritative sides
- Multidisciplinary and restricted angles
- Ecological and socio-economic viewpoints
- Agricultural and socio-cultural perspectives
Maksud pertanyaan di atas adalah gagasan dalam paragraf 2 dan 3 mendefinisikan agroekologi seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam hubungan terkait sebagai …
Perhatikan pada paragraf 2: Consequently, agroecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agronomy, ecology, sociology, economics, and related disciplines.
(agroekonomi berhubungan erat dengan multidisiplin termasuk faktor-faktor agronomi, ekologi, sosiologi, ekonomi, dan disiplin yang terkait).
Maka, agroekologi sangat terkait dengan faktor agronomi dan sosial ekonomi.
Agricultural and socio-cultural perspectives (Perspektif terkait dalam bidang pertanian dan juga sosial budaya).
Jawaban E
- Examine social, cultural, and economic aspects
- Do research on environmental and political loads
- Include scientific methodology in his/ her approach
- Put aside social aspects in his/ her ecological studies
- Make use of multidiciplinary analyses in his/ her inquiry
Based on the passage above, if someone is a genuine agroecologist, he/ she will likely …
(berdasarkan kutipan di atas, jika seseorang adalah ahli agroekologi sejati, kemungkinan besar dia akan …)
Perhatikan pada paragraf 2: “agroecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agronomy, ecology, sociology, economics, and related disciplines.”
(agroekonomi berhubungan erat dengan multidisiplin termasuk faktor-faktor agronomi, ekologi, sosiologi, ekonomi, dan disiplin yang terkait).
Pada kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa seorang agroekologis sejati akan memanfaatkan analisis multidisipliner dalam penelitiannya (Make use of multidiciplinary analyses in his/ her inquiry)
Jawaban E
- Tends to denote scientific loads
- May be understood contextually
- Can be interpreted differently
- Has universal underlying values
- Should be exclusively situated
Maksud pertanyaan di atas adalah asumsi penulis mengenai pengertian agroekologi.
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf 1: “Different definitions of the term agroecology can be distinguished largely by the specificity with which one defines the term’s potential political connotations.” Maksud kalimat tersebut adalah definisi agroekologi dapat diinterpretasikan secara berbeda-beda (Can be interpreted differently).
Jawaban C
- Interpreting agroecology needs to include political sides
- Agroecology is associated geographically and politically
- Different places tend to define agroecology scientifically
- People’s aspiration of agroecology differs significantly
- Nobody can define agroecology with scientific precision
Maksud dari pertanyaan di atas adalah poin-poin pada paragraf 3 menjelaskan tentang …
Perhatikan paragraf 3: In the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. Such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. North American and european uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. In these, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals.
Paragraf tersebut menjelaskan tentang perbedaan ruang lingkup pembelajaran antara daerah selatan yang memasukkan tujuan politis secara terbuka dan daerah utara yang biasanya tidak memasukkan tujuan politis. Maka, pernyataan yang tepat adalah bahwa aspirasi masyarakat pada agroekologi sangat berbeda (People’s aspiration of agroecology differs significantly).
Jawaban D
Questions 8 to 11 refer to the following passage
Did you ride your bike to school when you were a kid? A generation ago most kids rode, walked or cought the bus to school; very few of us were dropped off by our parents at the school gate. These days most of us have experienced the daily traffic jams around schools at drop-off and pick up times, as parents drives their children to the school gate. While there is no national data on the number of children who walk or ride to school, a recent Victorian survey found nearly half of all children are driven to school every day.
Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons – mostly to do with safety and convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills.
Research suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children’s participation in leisure or sporting activities has dropped off, says Dr. Jan Garrard. Participation in these activities has not altered much over the years, Garrard says but what has changed is the level of incidental activity children do. “when you look at countries where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not have to be sporty. All they have to do is to get around by walking and cycling, and they get enough physical activity,” she says.
- Kids given a lift to school likely lose vital social and physical advantages
- Taking kids to school makes them deprived individuals when they grow up
- Schooling means not only learning in classes but also socializing with others
- Parents spoil their kids future social and physical life by giving them a lift
- When a child needs physical needs and social training, parents should facilitate them
Dengan menulis kalimat “ … mengantarkan anak-anak Anda ke sekolah setiap hari bisa berarti mereka akan kehilangan keterampilan hidup lain yang sangat dibutuhkannya.” (paragraf 2, baris 2-3), penulis menyiratkan bahwa …
“ Kids given a lift to school likely lose vital social and physical advantages ” (anak-anak yang diberi tumpangan ke sekolah kemungkinan besar akan kehilangan keuntungan yang sangat penting secara social dan fisik)
Jawaban A
- Children who are active do not
- Being muscular should not be the aim of children who are naturally active
- Children’s physical fitness is not closely related with their daily activities
- Activeness in children does not mean to make these children physically fit
- When naturally active, children need no more scheduled sports activities
Pernyataan dari Dr. Garrard “ … bahwa anak-anak yang aktif sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sehari-harinya, mereka tidak harus sportif …” (paragraf 3 baris 5) mungkin lebih tepatnya menyatakan bahwa …
Perhatikan kalimat berikut:
“Research suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children’s participation in leisure or sporting activities has dropped off, says Dr. Jan Garrard.”
(Penelitian menunjukkan setidaknya sepertiga anak-anak Australia berusia 9-16 tahun tidak memperoleh aktivitas fisik harian sesuai yang direkomendasikan dalam pedoman nasional. Tapi hal ini bukan karena parftisipasi anak-anak dalam kegiatan rekreasi atau olahraga telah menurun, kata Dr. Jan Garrard)
Dari kalimat di atas dapat dinyatakan kembali bahwa “When naturally active, children need no more scheduled sports activities.” (saat aktif secara alami, anak-anak tidak perlu lagi melakukan aktivitas olahraga yang terjadwal)
Jawaban E
- Advice to parents for their children to have enough physical activities
- The decreasing trend of children to do physical activities at their will
- Parental motives behind chauffeuring their children to school
- Reasons for children not to do fun and incidental activities
- Effects of having children not to be given a lift to school
“The part following the passage above most likely contains information on …”
Maksud dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah isi informasi setelah teks tersebut kemungkinan tentang …
Perhatikan paragraf 3: Research suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children’s participation in leisure or sporting activities has dropped off, says Dr. Jan Garrard. Participation in these activities has not altered much over the years, Garrard says but what has changed is the level of incidental activity children do. “when you look at countries where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not have to be sporty. All they have to do is to get around by walking and cycling, and they get enough physical activity,” she says. Paragraf ini menjelaskan tentang penyebab dan solusi untuk anak-anak yang kesehariannya tidak memiliki aktivitas fisik yang cukup.
Maka isi informasi selanjutnya adalah “Effects of having children not to be given a lift to school” (dampak yang terjadi pada anak-anak yang tidak diantar ke sekolah)
Jawaban E
- Explaining reasons for chauffeuring and their advantages
- Describing parent’s chauffeuring followed by its effects
- Discussing the function of chauffeuring and the impacts
- Arguing for chauffeuring practices for children’s safety
- Exposing how parents chauffeur and its drawbacks
Pertanyaan di atas maksudnya adalah penulis mengembangkan beberapa ide dalam paragraf 2 dengan cara …
Perhatikan paragraf 2: Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons – mostly to do with safety and convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills. (orang tua memilih untuk mengantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah karena sejumlah alasan-sebagian besar berkaitan dengan keamanan dan kenyamanan. Tetapi para ahli mengatakan bahwa mengantarkan anak-anak Anda ke sekolah tiap hari berarti mereka akan kehilangan pelatihan keterampilan hidup lain yang sangat dibutuhkan)
Jadi, pengembangan ide-ide pada paragraf tersebut adalah dengan cara “Discussing the function of chauffeuring and the impacts” (membahas fungsi dan dampak dari mengantar anak-anak ke sekolah)
Jawaban C
- The electronic library establishment in the digital era
- The number of public library visitors in New York
- The advanced technology in managing libraries
- The importance of libraries in the computer era
- The preference to choosing public libraries
The topic discussed in both passages is …
Topik yang dibahas pada kedua teks tersebut adalah …
“The importance of libraries in the computer era” (pentingnya perpustakaan di era komputer)
Jawaban D
- E-libraries require sophisticated IT expertise
- Acces to information in e-libraries is unlimited
- Collections of e-libraries are regularly updated
- In really most people are still e-library illiterate
- Libraries function as a huge information bank
Which idea in passage B is different from that in passage A?
Ide pada teks B mana yang berbeda dari ide di teks A?
Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada teks A: “In theory one huge electronic library could serve the whole world!” (secara teori, satu perpustakaan elektronik besar dapat melayani seluruh dunia)
Perhatikan kalimat pertama pada teks B: “E-books have not spelled the demise of the local library in New York” (buku elektronik belum dapat menggantikan perpustakaan lokal di New York
Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari kedua teks tersebut adalah masih banyak orang yang buta perpustakaan elektronik sehingga perpustakaan lokal masih tetap ramai dikunjungi. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah In really most people are still e-library illiterate (kenyataannya masih banyak orang yang buta perpustakaan elektronik)
Jawaban D
- People would rather go to the library than watch sporting events
- Access to information in an e-library requires a good IT system
- Libraries provide quick access to free e-books and newspapers
- The role of library changes fast due to advanced IT technology
- People still dream of using libaries in spite of time and space
The following statements is true according to both passages?
Pernyataan berikut ini benar berdasarkan kedua teks tersebut?
Perhatikan kalimat pada teks A: The computer is linked to a library-not a library of books but an electronic library where information on every subjects is stored In computer memory banks (komputer terhubung ke perpustakaan-bukan perpustakaan buku tetapi perpustakaan elektronik di mana informasi tentang setiap mata pelajaran disimpan di bank memori komputer)
Perhatikan kalimat pada teks B: The report “Branches of Opportunity” looks at the changing role of the city’s libraries in the digital age (laporan “ Branches of Opportunity “ melihat perubahan peran perpustakaan kota di era digital)
Sehingga pernyataan yang sesuai dengan kedua teks tersebut adalah The role of library changes fast due to advanced IT technology (peran perpustakaan berubah dengan cepat karena kemajuan teknologi)
Jawaban D
- Policies should be made to conserve common libraries
- Conventional libraries will continue despite of the threath
- Unpopularity of ordinary libraries is obvious
- Electronic libaries will gain much popularity
- Threath to book publishers becomes more serious
Based on the information in both passages it can be hypothesized that …
Informasi pada kedua teks tersebut dapat dibuat hipotesis bahwa …
Perhatikan kalimat pada teks B: It finds that while public libraries are serving more New Yorkers than ever, they are “ undervalued by policymarkers and face growing threats.”
(ditemukan bahwa sementara perpustakaan umum melayani lebih banyak warga New York daripada sebelumnya, mereka terancam oleh pembuat kebijakan)
Maka hipotesis yang dapat diambil: Conventional libraries will continue despite of the threath (perpustakaan konvensional akan terus berlanjut meskipun mendapatkan tantangan).
Jawaban B