Rangkuman Materi Adverbial Clause Bahasa Inggris UTBK-SBMPTN


Adverbial clause merupakan anak kalimat yang digunakan dan berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan (waktu, tempat, alasan, tujuan, dll).

        • Although (Walaupun/Meskipun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Though (Walaupun/ Meskipun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Even though (Sekalipun/ Walaupun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Even if (Sekalipun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • However (Namun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Nevertheless (Namun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Yet (Namun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Still (Namun) + S + P (kalimat)
        • But (Namun/ Tetapi) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Whereas (Sebaliknya) + S + P (kalimat)
        • While (Namun/ Tetapi) + S + P (kalimat)
        • On the other hand (Sebaliknya) + S + P (kalimat)
        • Despite (Walaupun/ Meskipun) + noun (bukan kalimat)
        • In spite of (Walaupun/ Meskipun + noun (bukan kalimat)

Although, Though, Even though, dan Even if diletakkan di awal atau di antara dua kalimat yang dipasangkan, dengan tanda koma maupun tanpa tanda koma.

However, Nevertheless, Yet, Still, But, Whereas, While, dan On the other hand terletak di antara dua kalimat yang dipasangkan baik dalam satu kalimat atau dua kalimat yang terpisah.

Despite dan In spite of letaknya fleksibel tetapi harus diikuti kata benda (noun) atau kelompok kata benda (noun phrase), bukan kalimat (S + P).


      • Therefore (oleh sebab itu/ oleh karena itu) + S + P (kalimat)
      • Consequently (oleh sebab itu/ oleh karena itu) + S + P (kalimat)
      • Accordingly (oleh sebab itu/ oleh karena itu) + S + P (kalimat)
      • Hence (oleh sebab itu/ oleh karena itu) + S + P (kalimat)
      • Thus (oleh sebab itu/ oleh karena itu) + S +P (kalimat)
      • So (sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • So that (sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • With the result that (sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • So + … adj/adv … + that (sedemikian … sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • Such + … adj + noun … + that (sedemikian … sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • In order that (supaya/ sehingga) + S + P (kalimat)
      • In order to (supaya/ sehingga) + Verb I (infinitive)
      • On purpose to (supaya) + Verb I (infinitive)

Therefore, Consequently, Accordingly, Hence, Thus, So letaknya selalu di antara dua kalimat, baik yang terpisah maupun yang tidak terpisah.

So that, With the result that, So + … adj/adv … + that, Such + … adj + noun … + that, In order that letaknya selalu di antara dua kalimat yang tidak terpisah.

In order to dan on purpose to selalu diikuti Verb1 (infinitive), bukan kalimat (S + P).


        • Besides (Di samping itu) + S + P (kalimat) → sebagai kata sambung
        • Moreover (Lebih-lebih) + S + P (kalimat) → sebagai kata sambung
        • Furthermore (Lebih-lebih) + S + P (kalimat) → sebagai kata sambung= P
        • In addition (Lagi pula) + noun/ Verbing (benda) → sebagai preposisi
        • In addition to (Lagi pula) + noun/ Verbing (benda) → sebagai preposisi
        • Besides (Di samping itu) + noun/ Verbing (benda) → sebagai preposisi

Dewi is beautiful. Besides, she is very kind.
Besides Dewi is beautiful, she is very kind
Besides being beautiful, Dewi is very kind.


          • Because (Karena/ Sebab) + S + P (kalimat)
          • Since (Karena) + S + P (kalimat)
          • As (Karena) + S + P (kalimat)
          • For (Karena) + S + P (kalimat)
          • Because of (Karena/ Sebab) + kata benda (Noun)
          • Due to (Karena/ Sebab) + kata benda (Noun)

Because Arif took the wrong bus, he was late.
Arif was late because he took the wrong bus.
Because of taking the wrong bus, Arif was late.
Arif was late because of taking the wrong bus.


            • If (Jika) + S + P (kalimat)
            • In case/ that (Jika) + S + P (kalimat)
            • In the event/ that (Jika) + S + P (kalimat)
            • If only/ only if (seandainya) + S + P (kalimat)
            • Providing/ provided/ that (asalkan) + S + P (kalimat)
            • On condition that (dengan syarat) + S + P (kalimat)
            • Unless (kecuali jika/ jika … S … tidak) + S + P (kalimat)
            • Otherwise/or (jika tidak) + S + P (kalimat)

Damar will pass the test if he studies hard.
Damar will not pass the test unless he studies hard.
Damar studies hard. Otherwise, he will not pass the test.


            • When (Ketika)
            • Until/ Till (Sampai)
            • While/ As (Ketika)
            • As soon as/ Once (Segera setelah)
            • Since (Sejak)
            • As long as/ During/ for (Selama)
            • By the time (Menjelang saat)
            • Whenever/ Everytime (Setiap saat)
            • After (Setelah)
            • Before (Sebelum)
            • The last time (Saat terakhir)
            • The next time (Saat nanti)

I was watching film when Tina came.
While I was watching film, Tina came.
He hasn’t played futsal since he broke his leg.


          • Then (kemudian/ lalu)
          • Subsequently (kemudian/ sesudah itu)
          • Afterwards (kemudian/ sesudah itu)
          • After that (kemudian/ sesudah itu)
          • Later (kemudian)
          • In turn (kemudian)

Let’s have some food and then dance together.
Dini wrote a letter. Subsequently she went to post it.


        • Where (Di mana)
        • Whereever/ Everywhere (Di/ Ke manapun)

The creative man always finds a new idea wherever he is.
The old man tried to stay where he felt happy.


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