Rangkuman Materi, Contoh Soal Concord & Pembahasannya

Rangkuman Materi Concord

Concord atau agreement adalah persesuaian unsur-unsur yang membentuk suatu kata, frase atau kalimat menurut kaidah kebahasaan yang berlaku yaitu berupa persesuaian antara subjek kalimat dengan kata kerja, tenses dengan keterangan waktu, dan persesuaian kata ganti orang.

Persesuaian Subjek dengan Predikat

  • Persesuaian subjek dengan predikat yaitu jika subjek kalimat berbentuk tunggal maka predikatnya harus tunggal.
    Subjek tunggal → predikat tunggal (is, was, has V3, Vs/es)
  • Persesuaian subjek dengan predikat yaitu subjek kalimat berbentuk jamak maka predikatnya harus jamak.
    Subjek jamak → predikat jamak (are, were, have V3, V1 tanpa s/es)

Aturan yang berlaku pada persesuaian subjek dengan predikat, sebagai berikut:

  1. Subjek berupa noun phrase akan berpengaruh terhadap predikat yaitu kata benda sebelum kata depan yang pertama.
    Noun 1 + preposition 1 + noun 2 + preposition 2 + verb/predikat
  2. Subjek kalimat berbentuk tunggal jika diawali oleh kata: Every …, Each of …, Neither of …, One of …, Either of …, None of … + kata benda jamak ® predikat tunggal.
  3. Subjek berupa jumlah jarak, volume, berat, dan waktu dianggap sebagai subjek yang berbentuk tunggal.
  4. Subjek berbentuk gerund/ Ving selalu dianggap berbentuk tunggal.
    Ving + kata benda tunggal/jamak + predikat tunggal
  5. Subjek tunggal tetap diikuti oleh verb/auxiliary tunggal jika subjek tersebut diikuti ungkapan berikut:
    • As well as
    • Along with
    • Together with
    • In addition to
    • Accompanied by
    • As with
    • No less than
    • Including
    • According to
  6. Berikut daftar subjek tertentu yang dianggap tunggal sehingga diikuti predikat tunggal juga.

    Any + singular noun

    Some + singular noun

    Anybody Somebody Nobody
    Anyone Someone Noone
    anythingSomething Nothing
  7. A number of yang berarti sejumlah bermakna jamak sehingga predikat berbentuk jamak. Sedangkan the number of yang berarti jumlah bermakna tunggal sehingga predikat berbentuk tunggal.
  8. Untuk kata berpasangan yaitu either … or … dan neither … nor … , bentuk predikat tergantung dari kata setelah or atau nor apakah tunggal atau jamak.
  9. Subjek yang dirangkai oleh and atau both … and … harus berpredikat jamak. Untuk several, many, few + predikat jamak
  10. Subjek berupa none, all any, majority, half, no maka predikatnya tergantung pada noun setelahnya.
    none, all any, majority, half, no + singular noun + singular verb + plural noun + plural verb
  11. Kata hubung and menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara, yaitu:
    Adjective + and + adjective
    Clause (kalimat) + and + clause (kalimat)
    Noun + and + noun
    Gerund (Ving) + and + gerund (Ving)
    Phrase + and + phrase
  12. Ungkapan not only … but also … atau as well as untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
    • Subjek + verb + not only + (noun, adjective, adverb, phrase) + but also + (noun, adjective, adverb, phrase)
    • Subjek + not only + verb + but also + verb
    • Subjek + verb + (noun, adjective, adverb, phrase) + as well as + (noun, adjective, adverb, phrase)
    • Subjek + verb + as well as + verb

Persesuaian Tenses dengan Keterangan Waktu

Bentuk kata kerja (tenses) berubah-ubah sesuai dengan keterangan waktu atau fungsinya. Perhatikan pada tabel berikut ini:








V2/was, were

Will/shall + V1

Are, am, is going to + V1

  • Everyday
  • Everyweek
  • Frequently
  • Habitually
  • Never
  • Often
  • Once a week
  • Regularly
  • Sometimes
  • Usually
  • … ago
  • .. before
  • In 2010
  • Just now
  • Last …
  • This morning
  • Yesterday
  • Next …
  • Tomorrow
  • The day after tomorrow
  • This coming …



Are, am, is + Ving

Was, were + Ving

Will be + Ving

  • At present
  • At this moment
  • Now
  • Right now
  • Today
  • This year
  • At 4 p.m. yesterday
  • At this time
  • At the moment
  • When + S + V2
  • While + S + was/were + Ving
  • At … o’clock + future time
  • At … o’clock + tomorrow
  • At this time + future time
  • At this time tomorrow



Had + V3

Have/ has + V3

Will + have + V3



  • All the day
  • Already
  • Ever
  • For
  • Just
  • Never
  • Since
  • Yet
  • Afer
  • Before + S + V2
  • When + S + V2
  • By next …
  • By next week
  • By then
  • By the end of …
  • By the end of this month



Had + been + Ving

Have + been + V3

Will + have + been + Ving



  • For
  • since
  • by … for …

Persesuaian Kata Ganti Orang

Persesuaian antara kata benda dengan kata ganti yang menunjukkannya. Perhatikan pada tabel berikut ini:






I (saya)




You (kamu)




He (dia laki-laki)




She (dia perempuan)




We (kami)




They (mereka)




You (kalian)




It (benda tunggal)




Contoh Soal Concord & Pembahasannya

Soal No.1
Each of participants … received an invitation.
  1. Having
  2. Have
  3. Has
  4. Be having
  5. To have

Each of the participants … received an invitation.(Setiap peserta … menerima undangan) Subjek kalimat “Each of participants” → tunggal Pola yang dapat digunakan yaitu: each of … + singular verb. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah has
Jawaban A

Soal No.2
Neither of these schools … for our pilot project.
  1. They meet the requirements
  2. Meets the requirements
  3. Meet the requirements
  4. Meeting the requirements
  5. It meets the requirements

Neither of these schools … for our pilot project.(tidak satu pun dari sekolah-sekolah ini … untuk proyek percontohan kami) Subjek kalimat neither of these schools” → tunggal Pola yang dapat digunakan yaitu: neither of … + singular verb Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah meets the requirements
Jawaban B

Soal No.3
The name of a river passing through some big towns … the title of a very popular Indonesian song.
  1. It has become
  2. Has become
  3. Having become
  4. Had become
  5. Have become

The name of a river passing through some big towns … the title of a very popular Indonesian song.(Nama sungai yang melewati beberapa kota besar … judul lagu Indonesia yang sangat populer) Subjek kalimat “The name of a river passing through some big towns” → tunggal Pola yang dapat digunakan yaitu: Singular Noun + preposition 1 … + singular verb Maka jawaban yang tepat has become.
Jawaban B

Soal No.4
Tini’s frequent absence from school and … for almost all subjects are caused by her addiction to narcotics.
  1. She has bad grades
  2. Her grades that are bad
  3. Her bad grades
  4. That her grades are bad
  5. All her grades are bad
Tini’s frequent absence from school and … for almost all subjects are caused by her addiction to narcotics.
(Tini yang sering tidak masuk sekolah dan … hampir semua mata pelajaran disebabkan oleh kecanduannya terhadap narkotika)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas sebagai berikut:
  • Terdapat kata sambung and, sebagai penghubung jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara
  • Tini’s frequent absence from school → possessive pronoun + adj + noun

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah possessive pronoun + adj + noun → her bad grades
Jawaban C

Soal No.5
Neither the football players nor their coach … satisfied with the referee’s decision.

  1. Was
  2. Be
  3. Were
  4. Being
  5. He was

Neither the football players nor their coach … satisfied with the referee’s decision.(Baik pemain sepak bola maupun pelatih mereka … tidak puas dengan keputusan wasit) Subjek kalimat “Neither the football players nor their coach” → tunggal Kata sambung neither … nor … subjeknya menjadi bermakna tunggal Maka jawabannya menjadi was.
Jawaban A

Soal No.6
“Why did you have to work overtime yesterday?”
“Well, I had to finish not only the company’s annual report … “
  1. But also had to copy the annual report
  2. And also had to copy the annual report
  3. But also the copying of the report
  4. But Iwas also copying the annual report
  5. And also copying the annual report

“Why did you have to work overtime yesterday?”
(Kenapa kamu harus kerja lembur kemarin?)
“Well, I had to finish not only the company’s annual report … “
(Yah, aku tidak hanya harus menyelesaikan laporan tahunan perusahaan … )
Kata sambung not only akan berpasangan dengan kata sambung but also.
Pola untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas yaitu not only the + possessive pronoun + adj + noun but also the + possessive pronoun + adj + noun → but also the copying of the report
Jawaban C

Soal No.7
Tari was punished by the teacher not only because she forgot to bring her book …
  1. And she didn’t do her homework too
  2. But she didn’t do her homework either
  3. But also for not doing her homework
  4. As well as she didn’t do her home work
  5. But also because she didn’t do her homework

Tari was punished by the teacher not only because she forgot to bring her book …
(Tari dihukum guru bukan hanya karena lupa membawa bukunya … )
Kata sambung not only berpasangan dengan kata sambung but also, maka polanya menjadi: not only because + subjek + verb but also + because + subjek + verb → not only because she forgot to bring her book but also because she didn’t do her homework
(bukan hanya karena dia lupa membawa bukunya tetapi juga karena dia tidak mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya)
Jawaban E

Soal No.8
My friend got the job as a manager not because of his uncle’s position in the company …
  1. But because he is very well qualified for the job
  2. But because of his good qualifications
  3. Also because he is very well qualified for the job
  4. But also because of his good qualificatios
  5. But also because he is very well qualified for the job

My friend got the job as a manager not because of his uncle’s position in the company …
(Teman saya mendapat pekerjaan sebagai manajer bukan karena posisi pamannya di perusahaan … )
Kata sambung not … akan berpasangan dengan kata sambung but
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah but because of his good qualifications.
Jawaban B

Soal No.9
“I wonder how Laura will ever manage the business after her father died in the car accident.”
“She has both the expertise in running the business and … “
  1. The strong support from all the member of her family
  2. All the members of the family strongly support her too
  3. She is also supported by all the member of her family
  4. There is the strong support from all the members of her family
  5. She has the strong support from all members of her family
“I wonder how Laura will ever manage the business after her father died in the car accident.”
(Saya ingin tahu bagaimana Laura akan mengelola bisnis setelah ayahnya meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil)
“She has both the expertise in running the business and … “
(Dia memiliki keahlian dalam menjalankan bisnis dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung both … and … . Setelah kata sambung berpasangan tersebut jenis dan bentuk kata harus setara.
Maka pola yang tepat untuk menjawab soal di atas adalah both the + noun + preposition + noun (the strong support from all the member of her family)
Jawaban A

Soal No.10
The news on the local radio station as well as in the newspapers … that the riots have spread to other place in the city.

  1. To be confirmed
  2. Is confirmed
  3. Confirm
  4. Are confirmed
  5. Confirms

The news on the local radio station as well as in the newspapers … that the riots have spread to other place in the city.
(berita di stasiun radio local maupun di surat kabar … bahwa kerusuhan telah menyebar ke tempat lain di kota)
Subjek kalimat “the news” → tunggal
Maka jawaban harus berbentuk tunggal yaitu confirms.
Jawaban E

Soal No.11
About ten percent of Earth’s land area or nearly 5,8 million square miles … by glacial ice.

  1. Are covered
  2. Has covered
  3. To be covered
  4. Had covered
  5. Is covered

About ten percent of Earth’s land area or nearly 5,8 million square miles … by glacial ice.
(Sekitar sepuluh persen dari luas daratan Bumi atau hampir 5,8 juta mil persegi … oleh es glasial)
Subjek kalimat “About ten percent of Earth’s land area or nearly 5,8 million square miles” → tunggal
Terdapat kata “by”, menunjukkan kalimat bermakna pasif
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah is covered
Jawaban E

Soal No.12
The higher rate pollution in this area is caused by the increasing number of cars as well as by …

  1. The smoke from factories are emitted
  2. The factories emit smoke
  3. The smoke which factories emit
  4. The factory smoke is emitted
  5. The emission of the smoke from factories

The higher rate pollution in this area is caused by the increasing number of cars as well as by …
(Tingkat polusi yang lebih tinggi di daerah ini disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jumlah mobil serta oleh … )
Kata sambung “as well as” harus diikuti oleh kata yang jenis dan bentuknya sama
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the emission of the smoke from factories.
Jawaban E

Soal No.13
They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect environment and …

  1. Provide quality education
  2. The provision of quality education
  3. Providing quality eduction is provided
  4. Quality education is provided
  5. For providing quality education

They have worked hard to prevent excessive government spending, protect environment and …
(Mereka telah bekerja keras untuk mencegah pengeluaran pemerintah yang berlebihan, melindungi lingkungan dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung “and” yang menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang sama. Sebelum kata and terdapat V1 maka kata sesudahnya juga V1 yaitu provide.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah provide quality education.
Jawaban A

Soal No.14
In evaluating your progress, the teacher wil take into account … , attitude, and achievements.

  1. How you performed
  2. Your performance
  3. If you performed
  4. That you performed
  5. When you have performed

In evaluating your progress, the teacher wil take into account … , attitude, and achievements.
(Dalam mengevaluasi kemajuan kamu, guru akan mempertimbangkan … , sikap, dan prestasi)
Terdapat kata sambung “and” yang menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang sama.
Sesudah kata and ada kata attitude dan achievement yang merupakan kata benda (noun). Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kata benda (noun) yaitu your performance.
Jawaban B

Soal No.15
His outstanding achievement includes the researches he has conducted and …

  1. He has attended many international seminars
  2. The international seminars he has attended
  3. His attendance in many international seminars
  4. How many international seminars he has attended
  5. Many international seminars that he has attended

His outstanding achievement includes the researches he has conducted and …
(Prestasinya yang luar biasa termasuk penelitian yang dia lakukan dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung “and” yang menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang sama.
Kalimat “the researches he has conducted” akan setara dengan kalimat “the international seminars he has attended.”
Jawaban B

Soal No.16
The way he talks and smokes … me of his father.

  1. Remind
  2. Reminding
  3. It reminds
  4. They remind
  5. Reminds

The way he talks and smokes … me of his father.
(Cara dia berbicara dan merokok … saya tentang ayahnya)
Subjek kalimat “The way he talks and smokes” → tunggal
Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas harus bermakna tunggal yaitu reminds.
Jawaban E

Soal No.17
… but he is also trustworthy.

  1. Ali is not only dependable
  2. Ali is only not dependable
  3. Not only Ali is dependable
  4. Is Ali not only dependable
  5. Not only is Ali dependable

… but he is also trustworthy ( … tapi dia juga bisa dipercaya)
Pada soal di atas berlaku rumus sebagai berikut:
Not only + Aux + Subjek + Adj/Verb + But + Subjek + Also + Adj/Verb
Jika antara but and also terdapat subjek (but he also) maka kalimat sebelumnya akan berbentuk invers yaitu not only is Ali dependable.
Jawaban E

Soal No.18
‘Have you checked where most of the seminar participants come from?’
‘Oh yes, two-thirds of them … from various parts of java.’

  1. Are coming
  2. Comes
  3. They come
  4. To come
  5. Come

‘Have you checked where most of the seminar participants come from?’
(Sudahkah kamu memeriksa dari mana sebagian besar peserta seminar berasal?)
‘Oh yes, two-thirds of them … from various parts of java.’
(Oh ya, dua pertiga dari mereka … dari berbagai daerah di Jawa)
Subjek kalimat “two-thirds of them” → jamak
Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk subjek kalimat bermakna jamak adalah come.
Jawaban E

Soal No.19
‘I heard that the thieves managed to take you electronics’
‘well, not only the electronics … ‘

  1. As well my precious jewelry
  2. But they took my precious jewelry too
  3. And also my precious jewelry
  4. But also my precious jewelry
  5. And they took my pecious jewelry

‘I heard that the thieves managed to take you electronics’
(Saya mendengar bahwa pencuri berhasil membawa barang elektronik kamu)
‘well, not only the electronics … ‘
(yah, bukan hanya elektronik)
Terdapat kata sambung berpasangan not only yang harus berpasangan dengan but also. Maka jawabannya adalah but also my precious jewelry.
Jawaban D

Soal No.20
None of the beauty contestants … to wear bikini provided by the committee.

  1. Refuses
  2. Are refusing
  3. To refuse
  4. Refuse
  5. They refuse

None of the beauty contestants … to wear bikini provided by the committee.
(Tidak satu pun dari kontestan kecantikan … memakai bikini yang disediakan oleh panitia)
Subjek kalimat None of the beauty contestants → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat harus bermakna tunggal yaitu refuses.
Jawaban A

Soal No.21
Anwar decided to quit school and … on his career in music.

  1. Concentrating
  2. Concentrates
  3. He will concentrate
  4. Be concentrating
  5. Concentrate

Anwar decided to quit school and … on his career in music.
(Anwar memutuskan untuk berhenti sekolah dan … berkarir di bidang music)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah kata quit. Sedangkan kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Quit → V1
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah concentrate (V1).
Jawaban E

Soal No.22
It is essential to change the company’s policy related to women workers which … the spirit of the equality law.

  1. Not obey
  2. Does not obey
  3. They do not obey
  4. Not obeying
  5. It does not obey

It is essential to change the company’s policy related to women workers which … the spirit of the equality law.
(Penting untuk mengubah kebijakan perusahaan terkait pekerjaan perempuan yang … semangat hukum kesetaraan)
Subjek kalimat “the company’s policy” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah does not obey.
Jawaban B

Soal No.23
“This area is not feasible for transmigration because of its fertile soil and … “

  1. It has a dryclimate
  2. The climate is dry
  3. Because the climate is dry
  4. The dryness of the climate
  5. Dry climate

This area is not feasible for transmigration because of its fertile soil and …
(Daerah ini tidak layak untuk transmigrasi karena tanahnya yang subur dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Untuk kalimat di atas berlaku rumus determiner + adjective + noun, sehingga jawabannya adalah dry climate (adjective noun).
Jawaban E

Soal No.24
All the doctors in our hospital have their own practice room and each of them … a nurse to assist him.

  1. Needs
  2. They need
  3. He needs
  4. Need
  5. To need

All the doctors in our hospital have their own practice room and each of them … a nurse to assist him.
(Semua dokter di rumah sakit kami memiliki ruang praktik mereka sendiri dan masing-masing dari mereka … seorang perawat untuk membantunya)
Subjek kalimat “each of them” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah needs.
Jawaban A

Soal No.25
The person recently elected headmaster of our school is well- qualified, sociable, and  … to his job.

  1. His dedicatedis very high
  2. He is highly dedicated
  3. Is dedicated highly
  4. Having a high dedication
  5. Highly dedicated

The person recently elected headmaster of our school is well- qualified, sociable, and  … to his job.
(Orang yang baru saja terpilih sebagai kepala sekolah di sekolah kita adalah orang yang berkualifikasi baik, mudah bergaul, dan … untuk pekerjaannya)
Pada kalimat di atas berlaku rumus: adverb + adjective, adjective dengan kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah highly dedicated.
Jawaban E

Soal No.26
The great number of unskilled labor and … has made it difficult for the company’s products to compete with those of other companies.

  1. There are no experienced managers
  2. Nor are there experienced managers
  3. Inexperienced managers
  4. Neither are the managers experienced
  5. The managers are all inexperienced

The great number of unskilled labor and … has made it difficult for the company’s products to compete with those of other companies.
(Banyaknya tenaga kerja tidak terampil dan … membuat produk perusahaan sulit bersaing dengan produk perusahaan lain)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah unskilled labor → adjective + noun dan terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah inexperienced managers.
Jawaban C

Soal No.27
Some fast food restaurants have reached to consumer demands by focusing on high quality product with low prices and …

  1. To offer new products with less fast
  2. New products with less fat are being offered
  3. Offering new products with less fat
  4. The offer of new products with less fat
  5. Offered new products with less fat

Some fast food restaurants have reached to consumer demands by focusing on high quality product with low prices and …
(Beberapa restoran cepat saji telah memenuhi permintaan konsumen dengan berfokus pada produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga murah dan …)
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah focusing on high quality product with low pricesVing dan terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah offering new products with less fat.
Jawaban C

Soal No.28
The children enjoy playing on the beach and …

  1. Swim in the ocean
  2. To swim in the ocean
  3. Swimming in the ocean
  4. There are swimming in the ocean
  5. To be swimming in the ocean

The children enjoy playing on the beach and …
(Anak-anak senang bermain di pantai dan … )
Petunjuk untuk menyelesaikan soal di atas adalah playing on the beachVing dan terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah swimming in the ocean.
Jawaban C

Soal No.29
The instalation of various high-tech electrical devices in our office … a sophisticated safety system.

  1. Requiring
  2. Requires
  3. To require
  4. Require
  5. It requires

The instalation of various high-tech electrical devices in our office … a sophisticated safety system.
(Pemasangan berbagai perangkat listrik berteknologi tinggi di kantor kami … sistem keamanan yang canggih)
Subjek kalimat “The instalation of various high-tech electrical devices in our office” → tunggal
Petunjuknya jika subjek yang berbentuk frasa yang panjang perhatikan sebelum preposisi yang pertama of
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah requires.
Jawaban B

Soal No.30
He did not pass his oral examination because he was either nervous …

  1. Or he did not prepare himself well
  2. And did not prepare well
  3. Also the preparation was not good
  4. Or not well prepared
  5. But he was not well prepared

He did not pass his oral examination because he was either nervous …
(Dia tidak lulus ujian lisan karena dia gugup … )
Terdapat kata either yang harus berpasangan dengan or. Rumus yang berlaku untuk soal di atas yaitu either + adjective → either nervous. Sehingga jawabannya or not well prepared (or + adjective).
Jawaban D

Soal No.31
Not only did he refuse to sign the contract, …

  1. And he sued the film company for human rights violations too
  2. He sued also the film company for human right violations
  3. Also, he sued the film company for human rights violation
  4. But he also sued the film company for human right violation
  5. He sued the film company too for human rights violation

Not only did he refuse to sign the contract, …
(Dia tidak hanya menolak untuk menandatangani kontrak, … )
Pada soal di atas berlaku rumus: not only + does + subjek + verb + but + subjek + also + verb
Maka kalimat di atas menjadi:
Not only did he refuse to sign the contract, but he also sued the film company for human right violation.
Jawaban D

Soal No.32
In the next poetry-reading contest, each of the contestants … expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronounciation.

  1. Is
  2. Are
  3. They are
  4. To be
  5. Being

In the next poetry-reading contest, each of the contestants … expected to be more critical and more accurate in pronounciation.
(Pada lomba baca puisi selanjutnya, masing-masing kontestan … diharapkan lebih kritis dan lebih akurat)
Subjek kalimat “each of the contestants” → tunggal
Untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas memerlukan predikat  yang bermakna tunggal, yaitu is.
Jawaban A

Soal No.33
The government is trying to reduce smoking by putting warning on cigarette packs and …

  1. They ban all advertising of cigarettes
  2. Banning all advertising of cigarettes
  3. They also have banned all advertising of cigarettes
  4. All advertising of cigarettes is also banned
  5. Advertisements of cigarettes have been banned

The government is trying to reduce smoking by putting warning on cigarette packs and …
(Pemerintah berusaha mengurangi kebiasaan merokok dengan memasang peringatan pada bungkus rokok dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara. Sebelum kata sambung and terdapat Vingputting. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah banning all advertising of cigarettes (Ving ).
Jawaban B

Soal No.34
There is evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, speeds wound healing, and …

  1. Cures gum disease
  2. Gum disease can be cured
  3. Curing gum disease
  4. It cures gum disease
  5. The cure of gum disease

There is evidence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, speeds wound healing, and …
(Ada bukti bahwa vitamin C mencegah penyakit jantung, mempercepat penyembuhan luka, dan … )
Terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Sebelum kata sambung and terdapat kata speeds wound healing (V1 s,es), maka jawabannya adalah cures gum disease (V1 s,es).
Jawaban A

Soal No.35
The burden of economic problems … the majority of Indonesian people.

  1. Have been frustrated
  2. Deeply frustrate
  3. It is deeply frustrating
  4. Has frustrated
  5. Are frustrated

The burden of economic problems … the majority of Indonesian people.
(Beban masalah ekonomi … Sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia)
Subjek kalimat “The burden of economic problems” → tunggal
Subjek pada soal di atas berbentuk frasa yang panjang, perhatikan kata sebelum preposisi yang pertama “of” yaitu the burden.
Maka jawabannya adalah has frustrated.
Jawaban D

Soal No.36
Having a credit card is convinient because you can either pay your bills with one check or …

  1. Stretching out your payments
  2. To stretch out your payments
  3. You can stretch out your payments
  4. Stretch out your payments
  5. Your payments can be stretched out

Having a credit card is convinient because you can either pay your bills with one check or …
(memiliki kartu kredit itu nyaman karena kamu dapat membayar tagihan kamu dengan satu cek atau … )
Terdapat kata sambung berpasangan either … or yang setelahnya diikuti V1 . Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah stretch out your payments (stretch = V1 )
Jawaban D

Soal No.37
Advertisement both influence people’s spending habits …

  1. Their standar of living is also raised
  2. But also the raising of their standar of living
  3. They can raise their standard of living
  4. And raise their standard of living
  5. As well as the raise in their standard of living

Advertisement both influence people’s spending habits …
(Iklan sama-sama mempengaruhi kebiasaan belanja orang … )
Pada soal di atas berlaku rumus: both + V1 + and + V1
Kata sambung both berpasangan dengan kata and.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah and raise their standard of living.
Jawaban D

Soal No.38
Parliament members were troubled not only by the present political condition …

  1. But the current socio-economic condition
  2. And so is the current socio-economic condition
  3. Besides the current socio-economic condition is bad
  4. But also by the current socio-economic
  5. As well as the current socio-economic

Parliament members were troubled not only by the present political condition …
(Anggota DPR tidak hanya resah dengan kondisi politik saat ini … )
Terdapat kata sambung not only yang berpasangan dengan but also, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah but also by the current socio-economic.
Jawaban D

Soal No.39
My daughter is interested in meeting famous people and … articles on them.

  1. Writing
  2. To write
  3. Be writing
  4. She is writing
  5. Will be writing

My daughter is interested in meeting famous people and … articles on them.
(Putri saya tertarik untuk bertemu orang-orang terkenal dan … artikel tentang mereka)
Terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara. Sebelum kata sambung and terdapat Vingmeeting. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah writing (Ving ).
Jawaban A

Soal No.40
Producing fine paintings … skill and creativity.

  1. Requiring
  2. Requires
  3. To require
  4. Require
  5. It requires

Producing fine paintings … skill and creativity.
(Menghasilkan lukisan yang bagus … keterampilan dan kreativitas)
Subjek kalimat “Producing fine paintings” (Ving) → tunggal
Maka predikat yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah requires.
Jawaban B

Soal No.41
The shipment of logs … because of the bad weather.

  1. They have been postponed
  2. Has been postponed
  3. To be postponed
  4. Been postponed
  5. Being postponed

The shipment of logs … because of the bad weather.
(Pengiriman kayu gelondongan … karena cuaca buruk)
Subjek kalimat “The shipment of logs” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah has been postponed.
Jawaban B

Soal No.42
Due to the current financial condition, our budget plan for 1998/1999 …

  1. Needs to review
  2. Needs to be reviewed
  3. Needs review
  4. Is needed to be reviewed
  5. It needs reviewing

Due to the current financial condition, our budget plan for 1998/1999 …
(Karena kondisi keuangan saat ini, rencana anggaran kami untuk 1998/1999)
Subjek kalimat “our budget plan” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah needs to be reviewed.
Jawaban B

Soal No.43
Due to the monetary crisis, due to the current financial condition, our budget plan for 1998/1999 …

  1. Is increasing
  2. Increased
  3. Was increasing
  4. Will increase
  5. Increase

Due to the monetary crisis, due to the current financial condition, our budget plan for 1998/1999 …
(Karena krisis moneter, karena kondisi keuangan saat ini, rencana anggaran kami untuk 1998/1999 …)
Subjek kalimat pada soal di atas bermakna tunggal dengan keterangan waktu present continuous. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah is increasing.
Jawaban A

Soal No.44
The number of illiterate peple in our country … drastically.

  1. To decrease
  2. Decrease
  3. Has decreased
  4. They decrease
  5. It decreases

The number of illiterate peple in our country … drastically.
(Jumlah penduduk yang buta huruf di negara kita … drastis)
Subjek kalimat “The number of illiterate peple in our country” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah has decreased.
Jawaban C

Soal No.45
The school has a lot of classrooms; each of them … equipped with an overhead projector.

  1. Are
  2. Is
  3. They are
  4. Being
  5. To be

The school has a lot of classrooms; each of them … equipped with an overhead projector.
(Sekolah memiliki banyak ruang kelas; masing-masing … dilengkapi dengan proyektor overhead)
Subjek kalimat “each of them” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah is.
Jawaban B

Soal No.46
Five hundred miles … a long distance to drive in one day.

  1. To be
  2. Are being
  3. It is
  4. They are
  5. Is

Five hundred miles … a long distance to drive in one day.
(Lima ratus mil … jarak yang jauh untuk dikendarai dalam satu hari)
Subjek kalimat “Five hundred miles” → tunggal
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah is.
Jawaban E

Soal No.47
The flowers were judged for their unusual colors, pleasant fragrance, and …

  1. Shapely and attractive
  2. Attractively shaped
  3. Shaped attractively
  4. Attractive, shapely
  5. Attractive shapes

The flowers were judged for their unusual colors, pleasant fragrance, and …
(Bunga dinilai berdasarkan warna yang tidak biasa, aroma yang menyenangkan, dan …
Terdapat kata sambung and untuk menghubungkan jenis dan bentuk kata yang setara.
Pada soal di atas berlaku rumus:
unusual colors, pleasant fragrance → adjective noun
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah attractive shapes (adjective noun)
Jawaban E

Soal No.48
The way Professor Rina teaches science not only keeps the students interest …

  1. But also increasing their motivation
  2. But also increases their motivation
  3. And also increases their motivation
  4. And also to increase their motivation
  5. And he also increasing their motivation

The way Professor Rina teaches science not only keeps the students interest …
(Cara Profesor Rina mengajarkan sains tidak hanya membuat siswa tertarik … )
Rumus yang berlaku untuk soal di atas sebagai berikut:
Not only + V1s berpasangan dengan but also V1s,es
Maka jawabannya not only keeps (not only + V1s) akan berpasangan dengan but also increases (but also V1s,es)
Jawaban B

Soal No.49
The manager got disappointed. Neither Alfred nor Mike … good work.

  1. Was done
  2. Did
  3. Done
  4. Have done
  5. Are done

The manager got disappointed. Neither Alfred nor Mike … good work.
(Manajer kecewa. Baik Alfred maupun Mike … kerja bagus)
Terdapat correlative conjunction yaitu neither … nor …
Mike bermakna tunggal sehingga jawabannya adalah was done.
Jawaban A

Soal No.50
The test is a bit complicated. A number of students … complaining about the test.

  1. Are
  2. Be
  3. Been
  4. Being
  5. Is

The test is a bit complicated. A number of students … complaining about the test.
(Ujiannya agak rumit. Sejumlah siswa … mengeluhkan soal ujian.
Subjek kalimat “A number of students” → jamak
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah are.
Jawaban A

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