Rangkuman, Contoh Soal Conjunction Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Rangkuman Materi Conjunction

Conjunction adalah kata ganti penghubung yang fungsinya menghubungkan hal-hal yang setara yaitu kata dengan kata atau kelompok kata, frasa dengan frasa, klausa dengan klausa dalam suatu kalimat.

Jenis-Jenis Conjunction

Common Conjunction

Hubungan sebab-akibat

Konjungsi yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kalimat dengan hubungan sebab akibat.

Sebab → because, since, as, for, now that, seeing that, because of, due to, owing to.

Maka → so, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus, that’s why, hence

Konjungsi hubungan sebab akibat dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut:

  1. Optional → for
    Karena → because, since, as
    Dikarenakan → because of, due to
    Pola (pattern) untuk kalimat dengan hubungan sebab akibat adalah

    • Because/as/since/for/now that/seeing that + clause (S + V + Object)
    • Because of/due to/owing to + phrase (noun phrase/object/gerund/pronoun)
  2. So (sehingga, dengan demikian, oleh karena itu)
    Konjungsi ini untuk kalimat dengan kondisi:

    • Ketika so mengawali kata sifat (adjective)
    • So harus dirangkai dengan kata that dan membentuk begitu … sehingga … untuk kata keterangan (adverb)
    • Menunjukkan akibat yang terjadi dari pernyataan sebelumnya.
  3. Therefore (oleh karenanya)/ consequently/hence/thus, digunakan untuk mengawali kalimat yang menunjukkan akibat dalam suatu kalimat sebab akibat.

Hubungan pertentangan (contrast)

Meskipun → though, eventhough, although, despite, in spite of

Pola (pattern) untuk kalimat yang bertentangan yaitu:

  • Though/eventhough/although + clause (S + V + Object)
  • Despite/in spite of + phrase (noun phrase/pronoun/gerund

Tetapi/namun → nevertheless, however, still, but, yet

  • However (namun demikian) untuk mengawali kata sifat/ kata keterangan. Kalimat yang diawali dengan ‘however’ akan bertentangan dengan kalimat lainnya. However bermakna sama dengan but dan
  • Still dan yet, menunjukkan pertentangan yang memiliki makna namun.

Hubungan kesetaraan

And (dan), konjungsi untuk menggabungkan dua buah kata atau kalimat yang memiliki bentuk dan fungsi yang setara.

Menambah informasi

Disamping itu/ dan lagi → besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition

  • Besides + preposisi → in addition (lagipula atau selain), untuk mengawali noun/pronoun/gerund
  • Besides sebagai kata keterangan bermakna lagipula, untuk mengawali klausa.

As, when, while (ketika/tatkala/sementara)

  • Konjungsi yang menunjukkan waktu saat terjadinya sesuatu
  • As dapat memiliki makna tatkala atau karena

Whereas (padahal)

Contoh: he can’t travel whereas she has a lot of money (Dia tidak dapat pergi padahal dia punya banyak uang)

Otherwise (sebaliknya/ kalau tidak)

  • Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan akibat yang tidak diharapkan kalimat sebelumnya/ lainnya tidak dipenuhi.
  • Otherwise bisa digantikan kedudukannya oleh kata or, selain untuk menyatakan pilihan

Before (sebelum)

Contoh: we must take shoes off before we enter the mosque (kita harus melepaskan sepatu sebelum kita masuk masjid)

After (setelah)

Contoh: I have breakfast after I take a bath (saya sarapan setelah mandi)

Since (sejak)

Contoh: She has been cooking since 6 o’clock (dia memasak sejak jam 6)

For (selama)

Contoh: We have been doing this task for 2 hours (kita telah mengerjakan tugas ini selama 2 jam)

Until/ till ((sampai)


  • I will wait for him until he comes (Saya akan menunggu dia sampai dia datang)
  • He said to Dewi to wait there till he comes back (dia mengatakan kepada Dewi untuk menunggu di sana sampai ia kembali)

Paired/ Correlative Conjunction

  1. Not only … but also … (tidak hanya … tetapi juga … )
    Pola pada kalimat untuk konjungsi tersebut yaitu: not only + aux + S + verb + but + S + also + verb
  2. Neither … nor … (baik … maupun … ), untuk kalimat bermakna negatif artinya bukan ini atau itu, tidak yang ini atau yang itu, bukan dia atau lainnya.
  3. Either … or … (baik … maupun … ), untuk kalimat bermakna positif dengan dua kemungkinan untuk memilih.
  4. Both … and … (keduanya), untuk menghubungkan dua kata yang memiliki kesamaan.
    Pola untuk penggunaan konjungsi tersebut yaitu:Both + Subject + And + subject + complement/ Object

Contoh Soal Conjunction Jawaban & Pembahasannya

Soal No.1
… fund raising for helping the victims of earth-quake succeded in collecting large amount of money, many refugees still live in tents.

  1. Because
  2. As
  3. Before
  4. Eventhough
  5. Since

… fund raising for helping the victims of earth-quake succeded in collecting large amount of money, many refugees still live in tents.

( … penggalangan dana untuk membantu korban gempa berhasil mengumpulkan uang dalam jumlah besar, pengungsi masih banyak yang tinggal di tenda-tenda)

  1. Because = karena
  2. As = sebagai
  3. Before = sebelum
  4. Eventhough = meskipun
  5. Since = sejak

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah eventhough, kata penghubung untuk menghubungkan kalimat yang mengandung makna pertentangan.
Jawaban D

Soal No.2
… his parents had wanted him to be a government administrator when he graduated from college, he ended up to be the most wanted terrorist of the country.

  1. When
  2. While
  3. Until
  4. Since
  5. Unless

… his parents had wanted him to be a government administrator when he graduated from college, he ended up to be the most wanted terrorist of the country.

( … orang tuanya menginginkan dia menjadi pegawai pemerintah ketika dia lulus dari perguruan tinggi, dia berakhir menjadi teroris paling dicari di negara ini)

  1. When = kapan
  2. While = sementara
  3. Until = sampai
  4. Since = sejak
  5. Unless = kalau tidak

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah while.
Jawaban B

Soal No.3
… a new policy related to the establishment of business was released, entrepreneurs had found it difficult to get a licence for their new businesses.Be urged

  1. When
  2. After
  3. Since
  4. Until
  5. While

… a new policy related to the establishment of business was released, entrepreneurs had found it difficult to get a licence for their new businesses.
( … dikeluarkannya kebijakan baru terkait pendirian usaha, pengusaha kesulitan mendapatkan izin usaha baru)

  1. When = ketika
  2. After = setelah
  3. Since = sejak
  4. Until = sampai
  5. While = sementara

Kalimat di atas berlaku: until/before + past tense, past perfect
(… a new policy related to the establishment of business was released, entrepreneurs had found it difficult to get a licence for their new businesses)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah until.
Jawaban B

Soal No.4
… there were two fatalities in the plane crash, fortunately the rest of the passengers survived.

  1. In order that
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. Where as
  5. After

… there were two fatalities in the plane crash, fortunately the rest of the passengers survived.
( … ada dua korban jiwa dalam kecelakaan pesawat, untungnya penumpang lainnya selamat)

  1. In order that = agar
  2. Although = walaupun
  3. Because = karena
  4. Whereas = sedangkan
  5. After = setelah

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah although.
Jawaban B

Soal No.5
… the instructor failed to come, some students decided to see a movie today.

  1. Although
  2. Whenever
  3. Whereas
  4. Because
  5. While

… the instructor failed to come, some students decided to see a movie today.
( … instruktur tidak datang, beberapa siswa memutuskan untuk menonton film hari ini)

  1. Although = walaupun
  2. Whenever = kapanpun
  3. Whereas = sedangkan
  4. Because = karena
  5. While = sementara

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah because.
Jawaban D

Soal No.6
…, the traching program was able to achieve its goal.

  1. Since everything was well planned
  2. Although they made good arrangement
  3. Even if the stage was in good condition
  4. The fact that there was execellent event
  5. In case they did not come

…, the traching program was able to achieve its goal.
( …, program pelatihan dapat mencapai tujuannya)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan kalimat sebab akibat, maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah since everything was well planned (karena semuanya sudah direncanakan dengan baik)
Jawaban A

Soal No.7
If his father were not the president of this company, he would not be working here because …

  1. He is not that bright
  2. He wants to have his own business
  3. He has worked hard for it
  4. He’s worth getting the hob
  5. He refused his father’s request

If his father were not the president of this company, he would not be working here because …
(Jika ayahnya bukan presiden perusahaan ini, dia tidak akan bekerja di sini karena … )
Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah he is not that bright (dia tidak secerdas itu)
Jawaban A

Soal No.8
… the last lunar mission took place over thirty years ago, the desire to see people return to the moon seems as strong now as in the 1960’s.

  1. When
  2. Since
  3. Although
  4. Before
  5. As

… the last lunar mission took place over thirty years ago, the desire to see people return to the moon seems as strong now as in the 1960’s.

( … misi bulan terakhir terjadi lebih dari tiga puluh tahun yang lalu, keinginan untuk melihat orang-orang kembali ke bulan tampaknya sama kuatnya sekarang seperti pada tahun 1960-an)

Kalimat di atas menunjukkan makna pertentangan, maka kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah although (walaupun).
Jawaban C

Soal No.9
“Many parts of Jakarta were flooded.”
“That’s … people are used to dumping their domestic wastes into the rivers.”

  1. Because
  2. While
  3. Although
  4. Before
  5. Whenever

“Many parts of Jakarta were flooded.”
(Banyak bagian Jakarta yang terendam banjir)
“That’s … people are used to dumping their domestic wastes into the rivers.”
(itu … orang terbiasa membuang limbah domestik mereka ke sungai)
Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah because (karena).
Jawaban A

Soal No.10
… their village is located in the dangerous zone of Mt. Merapi, the people do not want to leave their home.

  1. Because
  2. While
  3. Although
  4. Since
  5. Before

… their village is located in the dangerous zone of Mt. Merapi, the people do not want to leave their home.
( … desa mereka terletak di Zona berbahaya Gunung Merapi, orang-orang tidak mau meninggalkan rumah mereka)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan makna pertentangan, maka kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah although (walaupun).
Jawaban C

Soal No.11
While you can now buy jeans in any color, blue remains the universalcolor of choice … its traditional qualities are always in fashion.

  1. Until
  2. As though
  3. So that
  4. Because
  5. While

While you can now buy jeans in any color, blue remains the universal color of choice … its traditional qualities are always in fashion.
(Meskipun sekarang kamu dapat membeli jeans dalam warna apa pun, biru tetap menjadi warna pilihan universal … kualitas tradisionalnya selalu menjadi mode)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah because (karena)
Jawaban D

Soal No.12
“Did he say anything to the police?”
“well, … he admitted breaking into the car, he denied stealing the tape.”

  1. Eventhough
  2. Because
  3. Meanwhile
  4. When
  5. As soon as

“Did he say anything to the police?”
(Apakah dia mengatakan sesuatu kepada polisi)
“well, … he admitted breaking into the car, he denied stealing the tape.”
(Yah, … dia mengaku membobol mobil, dia membantah mencuri tape-nya)
Kedua kalimat di atas saling bertentangan sehingga kata sambung yang tepat adalah eventhough (meskipun).
Jawaban A

Soal No.13
… the great inconvenience of travelling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their reports.

  1. Despite
  2. In addition to
  3. Although
  4. In case of
  5. Because of

… the great inconvenience of travelling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their reports.
( … perjalanan yang sangat tidak nyaman, banyak reporter TV pergi ke daerah banjir untuk laporan mereka)

  1. Despite = meskipun
  2. In addition to = sebagai tambahannya
  3. Although = meskipun
  4. In case of = kalau-kalau
  5. Because of = karena

Kalimat di atas menyatakan pertentangan, maka frase yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah despite (meskipun).
Jawaban A

Soal No.14
There was nothing for dinner; … , we had to go a grocery store.

  1. Otherwise
  2. Moreover
  3. Besides
  4. However
  5. Therefore

There was nothing for dinner; … , we had to go a grocery store.
(Tidak ada makan malam; … , kami harus pergi ke toko kelontong)

  1. Otherwise = sebaliknya
  2. Moreover = lebih-lebih lagi
  3. Besides = di samping itu
  4. However = namun
  5. Therefore = sehingga

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah therefore.
Jawaban E

Soal No.15
She could not finish her study in four years, … , she would have been entitled to a scholarship for further study.

  1. However
  2. Consequently
  3. Otherwise
  4. Moreover
  5. Nevertheless

She could not finish her study in four years, … , she would have been entitled to a scholarship for further study.
(Dia tidak bisa menyelesaikan studinya dalam empat tahun, … , dia berhak mendapatkan beasiswa untuk studi lebih lanjut)
Kalimat di atas membutuhkan kata sambung yang menunjukkan hubungan syarat/jika tidak → bermakna berlawanan dengan kalimat sebelumnya. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah otherwise.
Jawaban C

Soal No.16
“How was her reaction when she heard about the car accident happening to her parents?”
“She ran to the hospital … she received the news.”

  1. Until
  2. At the moment
  3. Even though
  4. Since
  5. Before

“How was her reaction when she heard about the car accident happening to her parents?”
(Bagaimana reaksinya ketika mendengar tentang kecelakaan mobil yang menimpa orang tuanya?)
“She ran to the hospital … she received the news.”
(Dia lari ke rumah sakit … dia menerima berita itu)

  1. Until = sampai
  2. at the moment = pada saat
  3. Even though = meskipun
  4. Since = sejak
  5. Before = sebelum

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah at the moment.
Jawaban B

Soal No.17
The northern parts of this island are quite fertile … are alluvial.

  1. Because they
  2. Which is because they
  3. As long as
  4. While they
  5. Therefore they

The northern parts of this island are quite fertile … are alluvial.
(Bagian utara pulau ini cukup subur … bersifat alluvial)

  1. Because they = karena daerahnya
  2. Which is because they = yang mana daerahnya
  3. As long as = selama
  4. While they = sementara daerahnya
  5. Therefore they = oleh karena itu daerahnya

Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah because they.
Jawaban A

Soal No.18
This project is a huge construction project which needs the use of high technology; it is therefore most likely that the government will have an established foreign company do the job.
From the above sentence we may conclude that …

  1. The government seems to be incapable of doing the job
  2. The construction project should be completed within a short time
  3. There are not enough technicians to be involved in the project
  4. The government may not have the necessary financial resources
  5. The project is performed based on a 40-60 share

This project is a huge construction project which needs the use of high technology; it is therefore most likely that the government will have an established foreign company do the job.
(Proyek ini merupakan proyek konstruksi besar yang membutuhkan penggunaan teknologi tinggi; Oleh karena itu, kemungkinan besar pemerintah akan meminta perusahaan asing yang sudah maju untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu)
From the above sentence we may conclude that …
(Dari kalimat di atas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa … )
Jawaban yang tepat adalah the government seems to be incapable of doing the job (Pemerintah tampaknya tidak mampu melakukan pekerjaan itu)
Jawaban A

Soal No.19
Many people in the world are against the construction of nuclear power plants in their neighbourhood for fear of the accidents that may harm their lives, nevertheless, …

  1. Government insist on using nuclear power as alternative energy
  2. Most recently established stations are closed
  3. There is no future for nuclear power industry
  4. People still prefer various traditional kinds of energy
  5. Nuclear energy has many disadvantages over traditional ones

Many people in the world are against the construction of nuclear power plants in their neighbourhood for fear of the accidents that may harm their lives, nevertheless, …
(Banyak orang di dunia menentang pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir di lingkungan mereka karena takut akan kecelakaan yang dapat membahayakan hidup mereka, namun … )
Jawaban yang tepat adalah Government insist on using nuclear power as alternative energy (Pemerintah bersikeras menggunakan tenaga nuklir sebagai energi alternatif)
Jawaban A

Soal No.20
In spite of the many vacancies in a neighbouring factory, the unemployed in my village cannot get work because …

  1. They need money
  2. They have jobs
  3. They are unfamiliar
  4. They work part time
  5. They are unskilled

In spite of the many vacancies in a neighbouring factory, the unemployed in my village cannot get work because …
(meskipun ada banyak lowongan di perusahaan di daerah sekitar, pengangguran di desa saya tidak bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan karena … )
Jawaban yang tepat adalah they are unskilled (mereka tidak punya keahlian)
Jawaban E

Soal No.21
“Eventhough the speaker had been reminded that his time was up … “

  1. He kept on talking
  2. He stopped his presentation
  3. He did not realize it
  4. The audience enjoyed it
  5. The talk was boring

“Eventhough the speaker had been reminded that his time was up … “
(Meskipun pembicara sudah diingatkan bahwa waktunya sudah habis … )
Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah he kept on talking (Dia tetap saja berbicara).
Jawaban A

Soal No.22
The tourist bus came to our school thirty minutes late … we had repeatedly told the driver to be on time.

  1. Eventhough
  2. So that
  3. Because
  4. Provided that
  5. In order that

The tourist bus came to our school thirty minutes late … we had repeatedly told the driver to be on time.
(Bus wisata datang ke sekolah kami terlambat tiga puluh menit … kami telah berulang kali mengatakan kepada pengemudi untuk tepat waktu)
Kalimat pada soal di atas bermakna pertentangan sehingga kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah eventhough (meskipun).
Jawaban A

Soal No.23
My brother wants to go hiking in the mountain; … , my sister prefers to go to the beach.

  1. Moreover
  2. Consequently
  3. On the other hand
  4. Otherwise
  5. In spite of

My brother wants to go hiking in the mountain; … , my sister prefers to go to the beach.
(Saudara laki-laki saya ingin pergi mendaki gunung; … , saudara perempuan saya lebih suka pergi ke pantai)
Kalimat di atas bermakna pertentangan, maka kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah on the other hand (sedangkan/disisi lain)
Jawaban C

Soal No.24
You’ll have to call me early in the morning; … . I will have left for work.

  1. However
  2. Otherwise
  3. Furthermore
  4. Consequently
  5. Moreover

You’ll have to call me early in the morning; … I will have left for work.
(Kamu harus menelepon saya pagi-pagi sekali; … saya sudah berangkat kerja)

  1. However = namun
  2. Otherwise = jika tidak
  3. Furthermore = lebih-lebih lagi
  4. Consequently = akibatnya
  5. Moreover = lagi pula

Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah otherwise.
Jawaban B

Soal No.25
We were planning to open a new office in Surabaya, … the economic crisis forces us to postpone it.

  1. And
  2. Or
  3. So
  4. But
  5. For

We were planning to open a new office in Surabaya, … the economic crisis forces us to postpone it.
(Kami berencana membuka kantor baru di Surabaya, … krisis ekonomi memaksa kami untuk menundanya)
Kalimat di atas bermakna pertentangan, maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah but (tetapi).
Jawaban D

Soal No.26
“Why didn’t you print your report at home?”
“I ran out of ink for my printer. It’s … expensive that I can’t afford it.”

  1. Such
  2. Very
  3. So
  4. For
  5. As

“Why didn’t you print your report at home?”
(Kenapa kamu tidak mencetak laporanmu di rumah?)
“I ran out of ink for my printer. It’s … expensive that I can’t afford it.”
(Saya kehabisan tinta printer. Itu … mahal sehingga saya tidak dapat membelinya)
Pola kalimat di atas adalah so + adjective + that (begitu … sehingga)
Jawaban C

Soal No.27
Parasitic plants are generally found in shaded areas rather than in areas exposed to direct sunlight …

  1. So that sunlight is not needed for them to survive
  2. Although they need sunlight for ther survival
  3. While sunlight is not required for their survival
  4. Because they do not need sunlight to survive
  5. Unless they need sunlight to survive

Parasitic plants are generally found in shaded areas rather than in areas exposed to direct sunlight …
(Tumbuhan parasite umumnya ditemukan di daerah yang  lembab daripada di daerah yang terkena sinar matahari langsung …)
Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah although they need sunlight for ther survival (meskipun tanaman tersebut membutuhkan sinar matahari untuk kelangsungan hidupnya)
Jawaban B

Soal No.28
My friend got the job as a manager not because of his uncle’s position in the company, …

  1. But because he is very well qualified for the job
  2. But because of his good qualifications
  3. Also because he is very well qualified for the job
  4. But also because of his good qualifications
  5. But also because he is very well qualified for the job

My friend got the job as a manager not because of his uncle’s position in the company, …
(Teman saya mendapat pekerjaan sebagai manajer bukan karena posisi pamannya di perusahaan, … )
Soal di atas berupa kalimat dengan pola kesetaraan/ parallel structure yaitu not + phrase + but + phrase
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah but because of his good qualifications.
Jawaban B

Soal No.29
Most mangoes in Britain arrine by air freight … they are still fresh when they reach the customers.

  1. While
  2. Although
  3. Whenever
  4. So that
  5. Because

Most mangoes in Britain arrine by air freight … they are still fresh when they reach the customers.
(Sebagian besar mangga di Inggris dikirim dengan angkutan udara … mereka masih segar ketika sampai dipelanggan)
Kalimat diatas menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat, maka kata sambung yang tepat untuk menjawab soal di atas adalah so that (supaya)
Jawaban D

Soal No.30
Not only … the best student in his school, but he also receives a scholarship.

  1. Markus becomes
  2. Did markus become
  3. Does Markus become
  4. Markus becoming

Not only … the best student in his school, but he also receives a scholarship.
(Tidak hanya … siswa terbaik di sekolahnya, tetapi dia juga menerima beasiswa)
Pola pada kalimat di atas yaitu: not only + aux + S + verb + but + S + also + verb
Maka jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah does Markus become.
Jawaban C

Soal No.31
… students studying in foreign country are provided with information about literacy practices and academic culture of that country, they will feel stranded in that academic environment.

  1. As
  2. In order that
  3. Unless
  4. As soon as
  5. Where

… students studying in foreign country are provided with information about literacy practices and academic culture of that country, they will feel stranded in that academic environment.
( … mahasiswa yang belajar di luar negeri diberikan informasi tentang praktik literasi dan budaya akademik negara tersebut, mereka akan merasa terdampar di lingkungan akademik tersebut)

  1. As = sebagai
  2. In order that = agar
  3. Unless = kecuali kalau
  4. As soon as = segera
  5. Where = di mana

Kalimat pada soal di atas berbentuk negatif untuk conditional type I, polanya:
Unless S + V1 + Object S + will + V1 + Object
Jawaban yang tepat adalah unless.
Jawaban C

Soal No.32
The play performed by Teater EMWE was good, … it could have been improved by adding the sound effects.

  1. Thus
  2. And
  3. But
  4. Or

The play performed by Teater EMWE was good, … it could have been improved by adding the sound effects.
(Penampilan yang dibawakan oleh Teater EMWE bagus, … sebenarnya akan lebih bagus dengan menambahkan efek suara)

  1. Thus = demikian
  2. And = dan
  3. But = tapi
  4. Or = atau

Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah but.
Jawaban C

Soal No.33
Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders … it may harm non-smokers.

  1. Consequently
  2. How ever
  3. In addition
  4. Nevertheless
  5. Otherwise

Smoking can be the cause of many illnesses and respiratory disorders … it may harm non-smokers.
(Merokok dapat menyebabkan banyak penyakit dan gangguan pernapasan … dapat membahayakan non-perokok)
Kalimat ke-1 menjelaskan tentang bahaya merokok, sedangkan kalimat ke-2 memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai bahaya merokok. Maka konjungsi yang tepat adalah in addition (dan lagi)
Jawaban C

Soal No.34
“Was there any violence during last week’s demonstration?
“No, … there were thousands of demonstrator.”

  1. Since
  2. Eventhough
  3. Before
  4. When
  5. Where

“Was there any violence during last week’s demonstration?
(Apakah ada kekerasan selama demonstrasi minggu lalu?)
“No, … there were thousands of demonstrator.”
(Tidak, … ada ribuan demonstran)
Dua kalimat di atas saling bertentangan, maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah eventhough (meskipun)
Jawaban B

Soal No.35
… there people have died of cholera, the old people of village refused to get an injection against it.

  1. Although
  2. However
  3. In spite of
  4. Since
  5. Despite

… there people have died of cholera, the old people of village refused to get an injection against it.
( … ada orang meninggal karena kolera, orang-orang tua di desa menolak untuk disuntik)
Dua kalimat di atas saling berlawanan, maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah although (meskipun) → polanya: although + S + V
Jawaban A

Soal No.36
All the members of the parlianment applauded … the president was walking to his seat.

  1. So that
  2. Although
  3. Even if
  4. As soon as
  5. While

All the members of the parlianment applauded … the president was walking to his seat.
(Semua anggota parlemen bertepuk tangan … Presiden sedang berjalan ke tempat duduknya)
Konjungsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah while (Ketika).
Jawaban E

Soal No.37
Our dental clinic should be provided with more modern equipment; otherwise, …

  1. Patients would be eager to come
  2. It would make patients comfortable
  3. Patients would not be cured
  4. It would become more popular
  5. No patients would come

Our dental clinic should be provided with more modern equipment; otherwise, …
(klinik gigi kita harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang lebih modern; jika tidak, … )

  1. Patients would be eager to come (pasien akan bersemangat untuk datang)
  2. It would make patients comfortable (itu akan membuat pasien nyaman)
  3. Patients would not be cured (pasien tidak akan sembuh)
  4. It would become more popular (itu akan menjadi lebih popular)
  5. No patients would come (tidak ada pasien yang datang)

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah no patients would come (tidak ada pasien yang datang)
Jawaban E

Soal No.38
Although there is a vacancy for an experienced receptionist at the Ratna Hotel, Iam not interested in applying for it because the pay is not so good; moreover …

  1. The working condition is quite good
  2. It gives incentives to motivate workers
  3. There is no promise for advancement
  4. There are no job openings at all
  5. The pay includes various allowances

Although there is a vacancy for an experienced receptionist at the Ratna Hotel, Iam not interested in applying for it because the pay is not so good; moreover …
(Meskipun ada lowongan untuk resepsionis berpengalaman di Hotel Ratna, saya tidak tertarik melamarnya karena bayarannya tidak begitu bagus; lebih-lebih lagi …)
Kata sambung moreover digunakan untuk menunjukkan informasi tambahan. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah there is no promise for advancement (tidak ada janji untuk peningkatan karir)
Jawaban C

Soal No.39
There was a road construction near our office; therefore, …

  1. People preffered taking that road to work
  2. Many people were passing that road
  3. Cars were directed to that road
  4. It was very quiet in that area
  5. We had to take a different route to work

There was a road construction near our office; therefore, …
(Ada pembangunan jalan di dekat kantor kami; oleh karena itu … )
Kata sambung therefore digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat. Maka Jawaban yang tepat adalah we had to take a different route to work (kami harus mengambil rute yang berbeda untuk pergi bekerja)
Jawaban E

Soal No.40
I told James to take recruiting test seriously, … he would not be accepted.

  1. And
  2. But
  3. For
  4. Or
  5. So

I told James to take recruiting test seriously, … he would not be accepted.
(Saya mengatakan kepada James untuk mengambil tes perekrutan dengan serius, … dia tidak akan diterima)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah or (atau).
Jawaban D

Soal No.41
… but he is also trustworthy.

  1. Dani is not only dependable
  2. Dani is only not dependable
  3. Not only Dani is dependable
  4. Is Dani not only dependable
  5. Not only is Dani dependable

… but he is also trustworthy
( … tapi dia juga bisa dipercaya)
Pada kalimat di atas berlaku pola: not only + aux/ to be + S + verb/ adj
Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah not only is Dani dependable (Dani tidak hanya bisa diandalkan)
Jawaban E

Soal No.42
The hotel provides good facilities; yet …

  1. It is located on a beautiful beach
  2. The occupancy rate is very low
  3. Foreign tourist like to stay there
  4. On the job training is provided for the employees
  5. It is advertised in the yellow pages

The hotel provides good facilities; yet …
(Hotel ini menyediakan fasilitas yang baik; tetapi … )
Yet adalah kata sambung untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat yang saling berlawanan.
Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah the occupancy rate is very low (tingkat hunian sangat rendah)
Jawaban A

Soal No.43
Clara is nearly fifty, … she still likes to go swimming.

  1. Unless
  2. Though
  3. Despite
  4. But
  5. Otherwise

Clara is nearly fifty, … she still likes to go swimming.
(Clara hampir berusia lima puluh tahun, … dia masih suka berenang)
Kedua kalimat di atas saling bertentangan. Maka kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah but (tetapi).
Jawaban D

Soal No.44
It was cold … I still went fishing.

  1. In spite of
  2. Despite
  3. While
  4. Though
  5. However

It was cold … I still went fishing.
(Cuacanya dingin … saya tetap pergi memancing)
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu however (bagaimana pun juga)
Jawaban E

Soal No.45
He hunt rabbit, … we don’t call him a “hunter”

  1. Otherwise
  2. But
  3. Unless
  4. No matter
  5. So

He hunt rabbit, … we don’t call him a “hunter”
(Dia berburu kelinci, … kami tidak memanggilnya “pemburu”)
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas yaitu but (tetapi)
Jawaban B

Soal No.46
He said that he had spent all his money on books, … , he could have taken his girlfriend to a good restaurant.

  1. Moreover
  2. Otherwise
  3. Therefore
  4. Besides
  5. Yet

He said that he had spent all his money on books, … , he could have taken his girlfriend to a good restaurant.
(Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah menghabiskan semua uangnya untuk buku, … , dia bisa membawa pacarnya ke restoran yang bagus)
Kalimat pada soal di atas menunjukkan makna memilih, maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah otherwise (jika tidak).
Jawaban B

Soal No.47
“His two last musical shows were not professionally conducted,”
“You’re right, … he has contacted Kris, a professional in the entertainment business, for his next show.”

  1. So that
  2. In addition
  3. Therefore
  4. Inspite of
  5. Moreover

“His two last musical shows were not professionally conducted,”
“You’re right, … he has contacted Kris, a professional in the entertainment business, for his next show.”
(Dua pertunjukkan music terakhirnya tidak dilakukan secara professional, kamu benar, … dia telah menghubungi Kris, seorang professional dibisnis hiburan, untuk pertunjukkan berikutnya)
Kedua kalimat pada soal tersebut hubungannya sebab akibat. Maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah therefore (makanya).
Jawaban C

Soal No.48
Our school library needs to add more books to its collection; … , I am collecting donations to buy new books.

  1. Otherwise
  2. Therefore
  3. However
  4. Nevertheless
  5. In addition

Our school library needs to add more books to its collection; … , I am collecting donations to buy new books.
(Perpustakaan sekolah kami perlu menambah koleksi bukunya; … , saya mengumpulkan sumbangan untuk membeli buku-buku baru)
Kedua kalimat pada soal tersebut hubungannya sebab akibat. Maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah therefore (makanya).
Jawaban B

Soal No.49
The painting was … we stood in front of it for a long time.

  1. Beautiful in order that
  2. Beautiful because of that
  3. Such beautiful until
  4. Very beautiful until
  5. So beautiful that

The painting was … we stood in front of it for a long time.
(Lukisan itu … kami berdiri di depannya untuk waktu yang lama)
Jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas so beautiful that (sangat indah)
Jawaban E

Soal No.50
… I was doing my homework, Rani and her friend were playing outside.

  1. As soon as
  2. After
  3. Before
  4. Since
  5. While

… I was doing my homework, Rani and her friend were playing outside.
( … saya sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah saya, Rani dan temannya sedang bermain di luar)
Kalimat di atas menunjukkan dua kejadian yang sedang terjadi secara bersamaan, maka kata sambung yang tepat adalah while (sementara).
Jawaban E

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