Rangkuman, Contoh Soal If Conditional Pembahasan & Jawaban

Rangkuman Materi If Conditional

If conditional disebut juga pengandaian dan digunakan jika ada suatu aktivitas atau peristiwa yang tidak atau akan terjadi jika ada kondisi/syarat tertentu yang terlibat di dalamnya. Dalam tata Bahasa Inggris, if conditional bisa juga disebut if clause. Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan ilustrasi di bawah ini:

If Daffa studied hard for his TOEFL Test, he would get the score more than 500
(Jika Daffa belajar sungguh-sungguh untuk tes TOEFL-nya, ia akan dapat skor lebih dari 500)

Syarat/kondisi: Daffa studied hard for his TOEFL Test
Hasil: He would get the TOEFL score more than 500.

Dalam kalimat tersebut, terlihat kenyataannya bahwa sebenarnya Daffa memang mengikuti Test TOEFL, namun skornya tak lebih dari 500 karena ada syarat yang tidak terpenuhi, yaitu ia tidak belajar sungguh-sungguh untuk tes TOEFL-nya.

Secara teori, ada 3 jenis if conditional atau pengandaian: pengandaian tipe 1 (future conditional, prediction, hope atau expectation), pengandaian tipe 2 (present conditional, imagination, atau illogical conditional), dan pengandaian tipe 3 (past conditional, regret, atau reflection). Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan penjelasan lengkap di bawah ini!

Pengandaian tipe 1 (future conditional/prediction/hope/expectation)

Pengandaian tipe 1 berbicara tentang prediksi (prediction), harapan (hope/expectation) atau kemungkinan (possibility) yang bisa atau tidak bisa terjadi di masa depan dengan syarat syarat tertentu yang terpenuhi. Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

Quick tips:
If Conditional

Perhatikan contoh analisi bentuk/kesejajaran di bawah ini!
If Samson reads a romantic poem to Nanda she will be cheerful
Fact/meaning: Samson will possibly read a romantic poem to Nanda.Catatan:
Kata kerjareadadalah bentuk present yang bisa kita ganti dengan bentuk present lainnya, misalkan are/am/is,verb1/verb(-s/-es)/don’t/doesn’t asalkan tetap berpasangan/sejajar dengan main clause (WILL/CAN), bukan dengan (WOULD/WOULD) apalagi dengan (WOULD HAVE/COULD HAVE)

Perhatikan contoh if conditional tipe 1 dari segi analisis meaning/fact di bawah ini!
If Conditional

Pengandaian tipe 2 (present/imagination/illogical conditional)

Pengandaian tipe 2 berbicara tentang khayalan (imagination) atau pengandaian yang tidak logis (illogical conditional) yang tak akan mungkin terjadi karena kita sedang menghayalnya sekarang (present). Perhatikan quick tips di bawah ini!

Quick tips:
If Conditional


  • Dari segi bentuk, if clause (past) akan berpasangan/sejajar secara gramatikal dengan main clause (would/could).
  • Simbol (+) dan (-) yang dihubungkan dengan garis menunjukan adanya pertentangan fakta (fact/meaning) pada pengandaian tipe 2. Jadi meaning (arti/fakta) dalam if conditional tIpe 2 ini harus berbentuk PRESENT.
  • Dalam if conditional tipe 2, semua predikat berbentuk Be harus WERE. I/it/she/he + were atau you/they/we + were

Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini!
If Conditional

Perhatikan contoh if conditional tipe 2 dari segi analisis meaning/fact di bawah ini!
If Conditional

Pengandaian tipe 3 (past conditional/regret/reflection)

Pengandaian tipe 3 berbicara tentang penyesalan (regret) atau refleksi diri (self reflection) yang tidak mungkin bisa dilulang karena terjadi di masa lampau (past). Perhatikan quick tips bawah ini!

Quick tips:
If Conditional


  • Dari segi bentuk, if clause (pas perfect/had + verb 3) akan berpasangan/sejajar secara gramatikal dengan main clause (would/could + have verb3/been).
  • Simbol (+) dan (-) yang dihubungkan dengan garis menunjukan adanya pertentangan fakta (fact/meaning) pada pengandaian tipe 3. Jadi meaning (arti/fakta) dalam if conditional tipe 3 ini harus berbentuk PAST

Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
If Conditional

Perhatikan contoh if conditional tipe 3 dari segi analisis meaning/fact di bawah ini!
If Conditional


Gejala inversi (inversion) sering kita dengar di pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan ternyata gejala inversi juga terjadi di materi if conditional. Inversi adalah proses gramatikal yang umum terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris di mana ada pertukaran posisi antara subjek dan predikat dalam sebuah kalimat (sentence). Perhatikan ilustrasi bahasa Indonesia berikut ini!

If Conditional 

Di bawah ini adalah contoh gejala-gejelala inversi dan pola normalnya dalam materi if conditional;

  • Don’t they meet you = If they don’t meet you
  • Is the visitor very pleased = If the visitor is very pleased
  • Were I your husband = If I were your husband
  • Weren’t Patricia behind me = If Patricia were not behind me
  • Had the farmers cultivated the land = If the farmers had cultivated the land
  • Hadn’t they claimed it = if they had not claimed it
  • Had you been so attentive to me = If you had been so attentive to me
  • Did Romeo change his hair colour = If Romeo changed his hair colour
  • Did not Nadia ensure her mother = If Nadia didn’t ensure his mother


  1. Am I amazed with your performance on stage, I can regard you as my idol
    Fact/meaning: I will be possibly amazed with your parformance on stage
  2. Does Amanda stop the bus soon, he will be in office in time
    Fact/meaning: Amanda will possibly stop the bus
  3. Did not you tell the truth,Joko would be so furious to you
    Fact/meaning: You tell the truth, so Mr Joko will not be so furious to you
  4. Hadn’t Suzy clarrified the issue, people would have blamed her
    Fact/meaning: Suzy clarrified the issue. So people wouldn’t blame her.

Perubahan inversi menjadi pola normal::

  1. Am I amazed with your performance on stage = If I am amazed with your performance on stage
  2. Does Amanda stop the bus soon = If Amanda stops the bus soon
  3. Did not you tell the truth = if you did not tell the truth
  4. Hadn’t Suzy clarrified the issue = If Suzy had not clarrified the issue

Video Pembelajaran If Conditional

Belajar B.Inggris : If Conditional

Contoh Soal If Conditional

Soal No.1
A: What would Andy read?
B: _______________He would enjoy the novels of Raditya Dika

  1. If I had given him some novels
  2. If I give him some novels
  3. Did I gave him some novels
  4. Whether I gave him some novels

pola di atas adalah if conditional tipe 2. He would enjoy (S + Would + verb 1), harus berpasangan sejajar dengan If I gave him some novels (If + S + Verb 2). Opsi C hampir benar, namun kalimatnya harusnya seperti ini: Did I give hime some novels.
Jawaban B

Soal No.2
Phil:How was your test?
Jim: It is not very good. I _______ much better if I had not misread the directions for the test section”

  1. Must have done
  2. Should do
  3. Could have done
  4. Would do

Pembahasan: If I had not misread (If + S + Had + Verb 3) harus berpasangan sejajar dengan I could have done (S + Could/Would + Have + Verb 3)
Jawaban C

Soal No.3
If there were traffic light at this intersection, there would not be so many accidents.
From the sentence, we may conclude that ….

  1. The only accidents occur at this intersection
  2. This is a dangerous intersection
  3. The traffic lights often don’t work
  4. Despite the traffic light accidents happen

Pertanyaan nomor 3 menanyakan meaning/arti. If there were traffic light at this intersection, there would not be so many accidents. (Jika ada lampu lalu lintas di persimpangan ini, tidak akan ada banyak kecelakaan) artinya Simpangan tersebut adalah simpangan berbahaya karena sering terjadi banyak kecelakaan. Jika bentuk if conditional-nya PAST TENSE (If there were …), maka meaning atau kenyataannya harus dalam bentuk PRESENT (This is ….)
Jawaban B

Soal No.4
Had my parents had enough money, I would have studied at this academy.
From the sentence we know that the speaker ….

  1. Failed the entrance test
  2. Was the student of academy
  3. Had applied for a scholarship
  4. Was not the student of the academy

Had my parents had enough money merupakan bentuk inversi dari If my parents had enough money (Saya akan sudah belajar di sekolah ini jika orang tuaku punya cukup uang). Artinya saya bukanlah siswa di sekolah ini karena orang tuaku tidak punya cukup uang. If conditional dalam bentuk past perfect (S + Had  + Verb3), maka meaning-nya dalam bentuk simple past. (S + Verb 2/Was/Were)
Jawaban D

Soal No.5
If I had realized that Tim was a bad driver, I ______ my car.

  1. Would not lend him
  2. Did not lend him
  3. Had not lent him
  4. Would not have lent him

If I had realized that Tim was a bad driver (berbentuk past perfect), maka pasangannya sejajar dengan modal perfect (I would not have lent him my car). Soal di atas menunjukan if conditional tipe 3.
Jawaban D

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